Re: ext3 on raid5 failure

From: Bas Mevissen
Date: Wed Feb 04 2004 - 06:44:59 EST

Nigel Cunningham wrote:


Are you using a swap partition or swap file? If we're talking swap file,
I would suspect suspend2. I haven't had a chance to look yet (preparing
to move to Aussie), but Michael has told me there are problems with the
swapfile support.

You are reading everything, I beleave :-)
Nope, only a swap partition. I read swsusp ML too :-)

I really suspect the power failure (forgot to plug in the AC adapter :-) ) was the "hard off" with the FS corruption.

If you had a crash while using suspend and swap file support, I wouldn't
be totally surprised to see an emergency sync causing this. That said,
the code has a number of safety nets aimed at stopping us syncing while
suspend is running, to avoid precisely this sort of corruption. If it
was suspend, I'd expect your superblock to have been messed too. Did
that happen?

The superblock was fine. There was just a short file system check when booting again. I only noticed it a day later when the news reader didn't want to start anymore.

But thanks for thinking!



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