Re: kgdb support in vanilla 2.6.2

From: Tom Rini
Date: Wed Feb 04 2004 - 19:36:43 EST

On Wed, Feb 04, 2004 at 04:16:26PM -0800, Andrew Morton wrote:
> Tom Rini <trini@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >
> > Andrew, what features of George's version don't you like?
> This is bad:
> akpm:/usr/src/25> grep '^+#ifdef' patches/kgdb-ga.patch | wc -l
> 83
> and the fact that it touches 36 different files.
> Any time I've had to do any maintenance work against that stub I get lost
> in a twisty maze and just whine at George about it. It's just all over the
> place. Yes, this is partly the nature of the beast, but I don't see that a
> ton of effort has been put into reducing the straggliness.
> > Right now
> > I'm working on moving the kgdb-eth driver that uses netpoll over
> > into Amit's version, and thinking of a cleaner away to allow for both
> > early debugging and multiple drivers (eth or serial A or serial B).
> Sounds good.
> Look, there's a lot of interest in this and I of course am fully
> supportive. If someone could send me Amit's patchset when they think I
> should test it, I could then talk about it more usefully.

Alright. I hope to soon have netpoll'ed kgdb-over-ethernet happy. From
there, I'll send you a patch that's Amit's work + cleanups / fixes, and
better PPC support. Then we can see which features are in George's
version become a must-have.

Tom Rini
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