fbdev sysfs support.

From: James Simmons
Date: Fri Feb 06 2004 - 19:36:08 EST

Linus, please do a

bk pull http://fbdev.bkbits.net/fbdev-2.6

This will update the following files:

drivers/video/Makefile | 2
drivers/video/fbmem.c | 6 ++
drivers/video/fbsysfs.c | 110 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
include/linux/fb.h | 40 ++++++++++-------
4 files changed, 141 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

through these ChangeSets:

<jsimmons@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> (04/02/06 1.1549)
[FBDEV] Add syfs support.

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