Re: printk and long long

From: Richard B. Johnson
Date: Wed Feb 11 2004 - 10:23:51 EST

On Wed, 11 Feb 2004 wdebruij@xxxxxx wrote:

> how about simply using a shift to output two regular longs, i.e.
> printk("%ld%ld",loff_t >> (sizeof(long) * 8), loff_t << sizeof(long) * 8 >>
> sizeof(long) * 8);
> perhaps you could even place this ghastly code in a macro if you have to access
> it often (so that you don't have to look at it :)?
> I know it's not pretty, but at least the %ld is considered standard printf
> functionality. I don't think %lld (even if it is implemented in some printf
> derivates) can be considered portable.
> Willem
> Citeren sting sting <zstingx@xxxxxxxxxxx>:
> > Hello,
> > I am trying to perfrom printk with a variable of type long long.
> > (loff_t is that type and it is long long , as can be seen in
> > posix+types.h).
> > what is the format string for such a type ?
> > I had tried %lld" but it gace wrpng results.
> > regards,
> > sting

This is probably portable. I could do it much simpler in
assembly but it wouldn't be portable.

Printing both unsigned long long and signed long long.

#include <stdio.h>

unsigned long long tester0 = 12345678901234567890ULL;
unsigned long long tester1 = 0xffffffffffffffff;

char *ulltoa(char *buf, unsigned long long val)
char tmp[0x20];
char *cp = tmp;
char *rp = buf;
do {
*cp++ = (char) (val%10ULL) + '0';
val /= 10ULL;
} while (val);
do {
*buf++ = *(--cp);
} while (cp != tmp);
*buf = 0x00;
return rp;

char *lltoa(char *buf, long long val)
char *cp = buf;
if(val < 0) {
*cp++ = (char) '-';
val = ~val + 1LL;
(void) ulltoa(cp, (unsigned long)val);
return buf;

int main()
char buf[0x100];

printf("%llu\n", 0ULL);
printf("%llu\n", tester0);
printf("%llu\n", tester1);
printf("%s\n", ulltoa(buf, 0ULL));
printf("%s\n", ulltoa(buf, tester0));
printf("%s\n", ulltoa(buf, tester1));
printf("%s\n", lltoa(buf, tester1));

return 0;

Dick Johnson
Penguin : Linux version 2.4.24 on an i686 machine (797.90 BogoMips).
Note 96.31% of all statistics are fiction.

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