Re: Kernel GPL Violations and How to Research

From: Pavel Machek
Date: Sun Feb 15 2004 - 10:24:32 EST


> So what I am writing to ask, is what is the best way to ascertain
> whether or not a binary (in this case a "kernel image" of this project)
> contains GPL'd code or functions. So far I have found nearly a hundred
> identical (down to formatting specifiers, punctuation, etc.) or nearly
> identical error messages that consistently match areas of Linux i386
> arch specific kernel code or drivers as well as matching function names,
> using the "strings" program on their Kernel image.

At this point you can be pretty sure they are violating GPL. Archive binary
they provide, and ask them for the sources.

(Drivers may come from BSD, but arch-i386 is probably not.)
64 bytes from icmp_seq=28 ttl=51 time=448769.1 ms

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