Re: JFS default behavior

From: Eduard Bloch
Date: Mon Feb 16 2004 - 09:26:08 EST

Moin Pascal!
Pascal Schmidt schrieb am Sunday, den 15. February 2004:

> >> iso-8859-1 for that virtual terminal, but the keyboard remained
> >> stuck in UTF-8 for _all_ virtual terminals.
> > kbd_mode -a to reset to ASCII mode.
> And as I just figured out, loadkeys has to be invoked again, also.
> I can go to utf-8 with:
> setfont lat0-16
> kbd_mode -u
> loadkeys de-latin1-nodeadkeys

When I do this, I still cannot enter unicode chars "as usual". I see
them, mutt (for example) displays everything correct with a UTF-8
locale. However, I cannot insert them correctly. When I use vim, I have
to press another key (eg. Space) 2..4 times after an umlaut was pressed,
only then the char appears.

Needless to say that the same applications work fine in X with the same
UTF-8 locale.

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