Re: 2.6.2: "-" or "_", thats the question

From: Ryan Reich
Date: Mon Feb 16 2004 - 18:30:35 EST

Harald Dunkel wrote:
Ryan Reich wrote:

On Mon, 16 Feb 2004, Ryan Reich wrote:

Sorry, I didn't realize that your problem was also the inconsistency
in module names. Someone else suggested using a shell expansion; you
could try

cat /proc/modules | tr _ - | grep -q "^${module_name/_/-}"

which is both short and works.

tr is usually in /usr/bin, which might not be available at boot time.
And probably you mean 'grep -q "^${module_name//_/-}"'

Did I mention that the inconsistency requires ugly and error- prone
workarounds? QED

It's not THAT ugly, and it's also error-prone to type at the keyboard. The
only fundamental error in my suggestion was the location of tr.

Anyway, if you really want to correct the inconsistencies you need only
edit the sources for the modules in question; the names which appear in
/proc/modules appear to be defined in, for example,
drivers/usb/host/uhci-hcd.c, where the .description section of the module
is set. Or change the filenames, though I don't know how that will fly with
the make process.

Ryan Reich
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