Re: Potential bug in fs/binfmt_elf.c?

From: John Reiser
Date: Fri Mar 05 2004 - 13:30:27 EST

When mapping a nobits PT_LOAD segment with a memsize > filesize, the
kernel calls set_brk (which in turns calls do_brk) to map and clear the
area, but this discards access permissons on the mapping leading to rwx
protection. This causes a load failure on systems where the VM cannot
reserve swap space for the segment, unless overcommit is active (on many
systems it's not on by default).

I believe that's not the only problem with binfmt_elf. If the total address
space described by the PT_LOADs is not exactly one contiguous interval, then
2.6.3 binfmt_elf fills in the gaps with 'prw.' of zero-filled pages, instead
of the intended "holes" with no mapping at all between isolated PT_LOADs.
One example is


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