Re: 4g/4g for 2.6.6

From: Martin J. Bligh
Date: Sun May 23 2004 - 22:33:09 EST

> Since these CPUs run in 32-bit mode just fine, I bet you wind up with
> people running Intel or AMD 64-bit CPUs long they abandon their 32-bit OS.
> I recall people often purchasing gigabit ethernet cards long before they
> had a gigabit switch, simply because it was the volume technology that
> was being at the time. I think the same thing is going to happen here,
> with AMD64 and EM64T.

Except some bright spark at Intel decided to fix the low end stuff first,
and not the high end stuff for ages. Marvellous - all those 64GB 2 CPU boxes
are fixed. Triples all round.

> AMD got a lot of things right with this one...

If the rest of the world would catch up, I'd be a happy man ...


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