Re: Granting some root permissions to certain users

From: Jeffrey E. Hundstad
Date: Tue May 25 2004 - 12:12:11 EST

A. o de Weegh,

We use a kernel patch called trustees to do just what you're talking about. Unfortunately the patch hasn't really been kept up-to-date. I wish something *like* this could be included in the standard kernel, but I guess I understand why it's not also.

Here's a link to trustees:

You could also use ACLs to give your teachers permissions, but that tends to take a lot of work imho, but it's what were looking at to replace trustees when I can no longer get it to patch into kernels.

Here's a link to Linux ACL:

jeffrey hundstad

A. op de Weegh wrote:

Hi all,
At our school, we have a installed Fedora Core 1 on a machine which acts as a server. Our students may store reports and other products, that they have created for their lessons, on this machine. Also the teachers have an account.

I would like the teachers to have list access on ALL directories. Just as the root user has. I wouldn't like the teachers to have all root permissions, but they should only be able to list ALL directories available. Viewing only, no writing.

Any idea how I can achieve this?


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