udev, dbus, hal and ide-floppy & unmount stuff

From: Prakash K. Cheemplavam
Date: Tue Jun 08 2004 - 09:38:55 EST


I am currently playing around with dbus and hal from cvs and have made follwing observations in conjunction with my ATAPI ZIP 100 drive:

1) Using dbus and hal, at last it creates the partition nodes when a zip drive is inserted. udev alone doesn't do it and I didn't understand how it is supposed to work. Nevertheless I am a bit irriated by the processes hald(?) calls: I can see

5035 ? S< 0:00 udev block
5044 ? S< 0:00 udev block
5045 ? S< 0:00 /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug block
5050 ? S< 0:00 /etc/hotplug.d/default/hal.hotplug block
5051 ? S< 0:00 /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug block
5056 ? S< 0:00 /etc/hotplug.d/default/hal.hotplug block

FIrst I wonder why it is called twice and then doing a ps -ax severel times in a row, one can see the hotlpug stuff coming mulitple times and going again. Is this normal?

2) What probably isn't normal, but o far only cosmetic: As soon as hal has been started I regurlarly get this in my log every second or so:

ide-floppy: hdd: I/O error, pc = 0, key = 2, asc = 3a, ascq = 0
ide-floppy: hdd: I/O error, pc = 1b, key = 2, asc = 3a, ascq = 0
hdd: No disk in drive

When a disk is inserted I get:
ide-floppy: hdd: I/O error, pc = 0, key = 2, asc = 4, ascq = 1
ide-floppy: hdd: I/O error, pc = 1b, key = 6, asc = 28, ascq = 0
hdd: hdd4
hdd: hdd4
hdd: hdd4
hdd: hdd4
hdd: hdd4
hdd: hdd4

and the last message gets repeated till I pull out the disk, then it goes like this:

ide-floppy: hdd: I/O error, pc = 0, key = 2, asc = 4, ascq = 0
ide-floppy: hdd: I/O error, pc = 1b, key = 2, asc = 3a, ascq = 0
hdd: No disk in drive
ide-floppy: hdd: I/O error, pc = 0, key = 2, asc = 3a, ascq = 0
ide-floppy: hdd: I/O error, pc = 1b, key = 2, asc = 3a, ascq = 0
hdd: No disk in drive

and we are again at the first case repeating.

Probably it is just some minor patching in ide-floppy.c. I could just comment out the functions printing that stuff out, but I am not sure whether it is sufficient, so I reported it here.

2) I've also been playing around with ivman (ivman.sourceforge.net) which uses dbus and hal to automatically mount and unmount disks, esp unmount by pressing eject button, which is a very handy feature. And here is the problem I encountered: kde is not aware of this daemon and as such when you press eject, ivman will thor out the disc, even though the mount point is still in use. I was told that the event button doesn't generate an event so that it could be checked whether the mount point is still being used and thus prevent ejecting.
My idea was that the kernel (or whoever is repsonsible) generetes events via dbus (or whatever) when a mount point gets used and when it gets unused again. So ivman could lock and unlock the drive according to those events.
How can this be accomplished? What do you think?


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