Re: Panics need better handling

From: John Bradford
Date: Mon Jun 14 2004 - 02:37:39 EST

Quote from Helge Hafting <helgehaf@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> ndiamond@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> > I am not asking for
> >help in solving this particular panic,
> >I am asking for help in general, in
> >getting information displayed when it
> >needs to be displayed.
> >
> >
> I have struggled with this from time to time. Wanting to
> report a trace, but it is too long for the screen.
> Using a framebuffer console helps a lot. I use 1280x1024 resolution,
> and 8x8 characters. The resulting 160x128 console isn't
> that fun to _work_ with, but most panics/oopses fit. I rarely
> work at the console anyway. If you do, consider making two almost
> identical kernels where console font size is the only difference. (The
> extra compile takes very little time.) Then use the small-font kernel
> when debugging.

On the other hand, if like me you use a text-based console almost exclusively,
then the best course of action is probably to buy a real serial terminal, (or
several :-) ), and configure one of them as the console. Then you can
basically ignore the VGA display completely.

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