Re: [ANNOUNCE] Minneapolis Cluster Summit, July 29-30

From: Chris Friesen
Date: Thu Jul 08 2004 - 09:17:18 EST

David Teigland wrote:

I'm afraid the fencing issue has been rather misrepresented. Here's what we're
doing (a lot of background is necessary I'm afraid.) We have a symmetric,
kernel-based, stand-alone cluster manager (CMAN) that has no ties to anything
else whatsoever. It'll simply run and answer the question "who's in the
cluster?" by providing a list of names/nodeids.

So, if that's all you want you can just run cman on all your nodes and it'll
tell you who's in the cluster (kernel and userland api's). CMAN will also do
generic callbacks to tell you when the membership has changed. Some people can
stop reading here.

I'm curious--this seems to be exactly what the cluster membership portion of the SAF spec provides. Would it make sense to contribute to that portion of OpenAIS, then export the CMAN API on top of it for backwards compatibility?

It just seems like there are a bunch of different cluster messaging, membership, etc. systems, and there is a lot of work being done in parallel with different implementations of the same functionality. Now that there is a standard emerging for clustering (good or bad, we've got people asking for it) would it make sense to try and get behind that standard and try and make a reference implementation?

You guys are more experienced than I, but it seems a bit of a waste to see all these projects re-inventing the wheel.

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