[PATCH] Drop asm i586 AES code.

From: James Morris
Date: Thu Aug 05 2004 - 10:07:48 EST

This patch reverts the i586 AES module. A new one should be ready soon.

Signed-off-by: James Morris <jmorris@xxxxxxxxxx>

diff -urN -X dontdiff linux-2.6.8-rc3.o/arch/i386/crypto/aes-i586-asm.S linux-2.6.8-rc3.w2/arch/i386/crypto/aes-i586-asm.S
--- linux-2.6.8-rc3.o/arch/i386/crypto/aes-i586-asm.S 2004-08-04 19:43:16.000000000 -0400
+++ linux-2.6.8-rc3.w2/arch/i386/crypto/aes-i586-asm.S 1969-12-31 19:00:00.000000000 -0500
@@ -1,903 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2001, Dr Brian Gladman <brg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Worcester, UK.
-// All rights reserved.
-// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-// modification, are permitted subject to the following conditions:
-// 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
-// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-// 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
-// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
-// documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-// 3. The copyright holder's name must not be used to endorse or promote
-// any products derived from this software without his specific prior
-// written permission.
-// ALTERNATIVELY, provided that this notice is retained in full, this product
-// may be distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL),
-// in which case the provisions of the GPL apply INSTEAD OF those given above.
-// This software is provided 'as is' with no express or implied warranties
-// of correctness or fitness for purpose.
-// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-// under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
-// Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
-// any later version.
-// Modified by Jari Ruusu, December 24 2001
-// - Converted syntax to GNU CPP/assembler syntax
-// - C programming interface converted back to "old" API
-// - Minor portability cleanups and speed optimizations
-// Modified by Jari Ruusu, April 11 2002
-// - Added above copyright and terms to resulting object code so that
-// binary distributions can avoid legal trouble
-// Modified by Clemens Fruhwirth, Feb 04 2003
-// - Switched in/out to fit CryptoAPI calls.
-// Modified by James Morris, July 31 2004
-// - Added alternate GPL licensing clause with permission from Dr Gladman.
-// An AES (Rijndael) implementation for the Pentium. This version only
-// implements the standard AES block length (128 bits, 16 bytes). This code
-// does not preserve the eax, ecx or edx registers or the artihmetic status
-// flags. However, the ebx, esi, edi, and ebp registers are preserved across
-// calls.
-// void aes_set_key(aes_context *cx, const unsigned char key[], const int key_len, const int f)
-// void aes_encrypt(const aes_context *cx, unsigned char out_blk[], const unsigned char in_blk[])
-// void aes_decrypt(const aes_context *cx, unsigned char out_blk[], const unsigned char in_blk[])
-# define ALIGN32BYTES 32
- .file "aes-i586.S"
- .globl aes_set_key
- .globl aes_encrypt
- .globl aes_decrypt
-#define tlen 1024 // length of each of 4 'xor' arrays (256 32-bit words)
-// offsets to parameters with one register pushed onto stack
-#define ctx 8 // AES context structure
-#define out_blk 12 // output byte array address parameter
-#define in_blk 16 // input byte array address parameter
-// offsets in context structure
-#define nkey 0 // key length, size 4
-#define nrnd 4 // number of rounds, size 4
-#define ekey 8 // encryption key schedule base address, size 256
-#define dkey 264 // decryption key schedule base address, size 256
-// This macro performs a forward encryption cycle. It is entered with
-// the first previous round column values in %eax, %ebx, %esi and %edi and
-// exits with the final values in the same registers.
-#define fwd_rnd(p1,p2) \
- mov %ebx,(%esp) ;\
- movzbl %al,%edx ;\
- mov %eax,%ecx ;\
- mov p2(%ebp),%eax ;\
- mov %edi,4(%esp) ;\
- mov p2+12(%ebp),%edi ;\
- xor p1(,%edx,4),%eax ;\
- movzbl %ch,%edx ;\
- shr $16,%ecx ;\
- mov p2+4(%ebp),%ebx ;\
- xor p1+tlen(,%edx,4),%edi ;\
- movzbl %cl,%edx ;\
- movzbl %ch,%ecx ;\
- xor p1+3*tlen(,%ecx,4),%ebx ;\
- mov %esi,%ecx ;\
- mov p1+2*tlen(,%edx,4),%esi ;\
- movzbl %cl,%edx ;\
- xor p1(,%edx,4),%esi ;\
- movzbl %ch,%edx ;\
- shr $16,%ecx ;\
- xor p1+tlen(,%edx,4),%ebx ;\
- movzbl %cl,%edx ;\
- movzbl %ch,%ecx ;\
- xor p1+2*tlen(,%edx,4),%eax ;\
- mov (%esp),%edx ;\
- xor p1+3*tlen(,%ecx,4),%edi ;\
- movzbl %dl,%ecx ;\
- xor p2+8(%ebp),%esi ;\
- xor p1(,%ecx,4),%ebx ;\
- movzbl %dh,%ecx ;\
- shr $16,%edx ;\
- xor p1+tlen(,%ecx,4),%eax ;\
- movzbl %dl,%ecx ;\
- movzbl %dh,%edx ;\
- xor p1+2*tlen(,%ecx,4),%edi ;\
- mov 4(%esp),%ecx ;\
- xor p1+3*tlen(,%edx,4),%esi ;\
- movzbl %cl,%edx ;\
- xor p1(,%edx,4),%edi ;\
- movzbl %ch,%edx ;\
- shr $16,%ecx ;\
- xor p1+tlen(,%edx,4),%esi ;\
- movzbl %cl,%edx ;\
- movzbl %ch,%ecx ;\
- xor p1+2*tlen(,%edx,4),%ebx ;\
- xor p1+3*tlen(,%ecx,4),%eax
-// This macro performs an inverse encryption cycle. It is entered with
-// the first previous round column values in %eax, %ebx, %esi and %edi and
-// exits with the final values in the same registers.
-#define inv_rnd(p1,p2) \
- movzbl %al,%edx ;\
- mov %ebx,(%esp) ;\
- mov %eax,%ecx ;\
- mov p2(%ebp),%eax ;\
- mov %edi,4(%esp) ;\
- mov p2+4(%ebp),%ebx ;\
- xor p1(,%edx,4),%eax ;\
- movzbl %ch,%edx ;\
- shr $16,%ecx ;\
- mov p2+12(%ebp),%edi ;\
- xor p1+tlen(,%edx,4),%ebx ;\
- movzbl %cl,%edx ;\
- movzbl %ch,%ecx ;\
- xor p1+3*tlen(,%ecx,4),%edi ;\
- mov %esi,%ecx ;\
- mov p1+2*tlen(,%edx,4),%esi ;\
- movzbl %cl,%edx ;\
- xor p1(,%edx,4),%esi ;\
- movzbl %ch,%edx ;\
- shr $16,%ecx ;\
- xor p1+tlen(,%edx,4),%edi ;\
- movzbl %cl,%edx ;\
- movzbl %ch,%ecx ;\
- xor p1+2*tlen(,%edx,4),%eax ;\
- mov (%esp),%edx ;\
- xor p1+3*tlen(,%ecx,4),%ebx ;\
- movzbl %dl,%ecx ;\
- xor p2+8(%ebp),%esi ;\
- xor p1(,%ecx,4),%ebx ;\
- movzbl %dh,%ecx ;\
- shr $16,%edx ;\
- xor p1+tlen(,%ecx,4),%esi ;\
- movzbl %dl,%ecx ;\
- movzbl %dh,%edx ;\
- xor p1+2*tlen(,%ecx,4),%edi ;\
- mov 4(%esp),%ecx ;\
- xor p1+3*tlen(,%edx,4),%eax ;\
- movzbl %cl,%edx ;\
- xor p1(,%edx,4),%edi ;\
- movzbl %ch,%edx ;\
- shr $16,%ecx ;\
- xor p1+tlen(,%edx,4),%eax ;\
- movzbl %cl,%edx ;\
- movzbl %ch,%ecx ;\
- xor p1+2*tlen(,%edx,4),%ebx ;\
- xor p1+3*tlen(,%ecx,4),%esi
-// AES (Rijndael) Encryption Subroutine
- .text
- .align ALIGN32BYTES
- push %ebp
- mov ctx(%esp),%ebp // pointer to context
- mov in_blk(%esp),%ecx
- push %ebx
- push %esi
- push %edi
- mov nrnd(%ebp),%edx // number of rounds
- lea ekey+16(%ebp),%ebp // key pointer
-// input four columns and xor in first round key
- mov (%ecx),%eax
- mov 4(%ecx),%ebx
- mov 8(%ecx),%esi
- mov 12(%ecx),%edi
- xor -16(%ebp),%eax
- xor -12(%ebp),%ebx
- xor -8(%ebp),%esi
- xor -4(%ebp),%edi
- sub $8,%esp // space for register saves on stack
- sub $10,%edx
- je aes_15
- add $32,%ebp
- sub $2,%edx
- je aes_13
- add $32,%ebp
- fwd_rnd(aes_ft_tab,-64) // 14 rounds for 256-bit key
- fwd_rnd(aes_ft_tab,-48)
-aes_13: fwd_rnd(aes_ft_tab,-32) // 12 rounds for 192-bit key
- fwd_rnd(aes_ft_tab,-16)
-aes_15: fwd_rnd(aes_ft_tab,0) // 10 rounds for 128-bit key
- fwd_rnd(aes_ft_tab,16)
- fwd_rnd(aes_ft_tab,32)
- fwd_rnd(aes_ft_tab,48)
- fwd_rnd(aes_ft_tab,64)
- fwd_rnd(aes_ft_tab,80)
- fwd_rnd(aes_ft_tab,96)
- fwd_rnd(aes_ft_tab,112)
- fwd_rnd(aes_ft_tab,128)
- fwd_rnd(aes_fl_tab,144) // last round uses a different table
-// move final values to the output array.
- mov out_blk+20(%esp),%ebp
- add $8,%esp
- mov %eax,(%ebp)
- mov %ebx,4(%ebp)
- mov %esi,8(%ebp)
- mov %edi,12(%ebp)
- pop %edi
- pop %esi
- pop %ebx
- pop %ebp
- ret
-// AES (Rijndael) Decryption Subroutine
- .align ALIGN32BYTES
- push %ebp
- mov ctx(%esp),%ebp // pointer to context
- mov in_blk(%esp),%ecx
- push %ebx
- push %esi
- push %edi
- mov nrnd(%ebp),%edx // number of rounds
- lea dkey+16(%ebp),%ebp // key pointer
-// input four columns and xor in first round key
- mov (%ecx),%eax
- mov 4(%ecx),%ebx
- mov 8(%ecx),%esi
- mov 12(%ecx),%edi
- xor -16(%ebp),%eax
- xor -12(%ebp),%ebx
- xor -8(%ebp),%esi
- xor -4(%ebp),%edi
- sub $8,%esp // space for register saves on stack
- sub $10,%edx
- je aes_25
- add $32,%ebp
- sub $2,%edx
- je aes_23
- add $32,%ebp
- inv_rnd(aes_it_tab,-64) // 14 rounds for 256-bit key
- inv_rnd(aes_it_tab,-48)
-aes_23: inv_rnd(aes_it_tab,-32) // 12 rounds for 192-bit key
- inv_rnd(aes_it_tab,-16)
-aes_25: inv_rnd(aes_it_tab,0) // 10 rounds for 128-bit key
- inv_rnd(aes_it_tab,16)
- inv_rnd(aes_it_tab,32)
- inv_rnd(aes_it_tab,48)
- inv_rnd(aes_it_tab,64)
- inv_rnd(aes_it_tab,80)
- inv_rnd(aes_it_tab,96)
- inv_rnd(aes_it_tab,112)
- inv_rnd(aes_it_tab,128)
- inv_rnd(aes_il_tab,144) // last round uses a different table
-// move final values to the output array.
- mov out_blk+20(%esp),%ebp
- add $8,%esp
- mov %eax,(%ebp)
- mov %ebx,4(%ebp)
- mov %esi,8(%ebp)
- mov %edi,12(%ebp)
- pop %edi
- pop %esi
- pop %ebx
- pop %ebp
- ret
-// AES (Rijndael) Key Schedule Subroutine
-// input/output parameters
-#define aes_cx 12 // AES context
-#define in_key 16 // key input array address
-#define key_ln 20 // key length, bytes (16,24,32) or bits (128,192,256)
-#define ed_flg 24 // 0=create both encr/decr keys, 1=create encr key only
-// offsets for locals
-#define cnt -4
-#define kpf -8
-#define slen 8
-// This macro performs a column mixing operation on an input 32-bit
-// word to give a 32-bit result. It uses each of the 4 bytes in the
-// the input column to index 4 different tables of 256 32-bit words
-// that are xored together to form the output value.
-#define mix_col(p1) \
- movzbl %bl,%ecx ;\
- mov p1(,%ecx,4),%eax ;\
- movzbl %bh,%ecx ;\
- ror $16,%ebx ;\
- xor p1+tlen(,%ecx,4),%eax ;\
- movzbl %bl,%ecx ;\
- xor p1+2*tlen(,%ecx,4),%eax ;\
- movzbl %bh,%ecx ;\
- xor p1+3*tlen(,%ecx,4),%eax
-// Key Schedule Macros
-#define ksc4(p1) \
- rol $24,%ebx ;\
- mix_col(aes_fl_tab) ;\
- ror $8,%ebx ;\
- xor 4*p1+aes_rcon_tab,%eax ;\
- xor %eax,%esi ;\
- xor %esi,%ebp ;\
- mov %esi,16*p1(%edi) ;\
- mov %ebp,16*p1+4(%edi) ;\
- xor %ebp,%edx ;\
- xor %edx,%ebx ;\
- mov %edx,16*p1+8(%edi) ;\
- mov %ebx,16*p1+12(%edi)
-#define ksc6(p1) \
- rol $24,%ebx ;\
- mix_col(aes_fl_tab) ;\
- ror $8,%ebx ;\
- xor 4*p1+aes_rcon_tab,%eax ;\
- xor 24*p1-24(%edi),%eax ;\
- mov %eax,24*p1(%edi) ;\
- xor 24*p1-20(%edi),%eax ;\
- mov %eax,24*p1+4(%edi) ;\
- xor %eax,%esi ;\
- xor %esi,%ebp ;\
- mov %esi,24*p1+8(%edi) ;\
- mov %ebp,24*p1+12(%edi) ;\
- xor %ebp,%edx ;\
- xor %edx,%ebx ;\
- mov %edx,24*p1+16(%edi) ;\
- mov %ebx,24*p1+20(%edi)
-#define ksc8(p1) \
- rol $24,%ebx ;\
- mix_col(aes_fl_tab) ;\
- ror $8,%ebx ;\
- xor 4*p1+aes_rcon_tab,%eax ;\
- xor 32*p1-32(%edi),%eax ;\
- mov %eax,32*p1(%edi) ;\
- xor 32*p1-28(%edi),%eax ;\
- mov %eax,32*p1+4(%edi) ;\
- xor 32*p1-24(%edi),%eax ;\
- mov %eax,32*p1+8(%edi) ;\
- xor 32*p1-20(%edi),%eax ;\
- mov %eax,32*p1+12(%edi) ;\
- push %ebx ;\
- mov %eax,%ebx ;\
- mix_col(aes_fl_tab) ;\
- pop %ebx ;\
- xor %eax,%esi ;\
- xor %esi,%ebp ;\
- mov %esi,32*p1+16(%edi) ;\
- mov %ebp,32*p1+20(%edi) ;\
- xor %ebp,%edx ;\
- xor %edx,%ebx ;\
- mov %edx,32*p1+24(%edi) ;\
- mov %ebx,32*p1+28(%edi)
- .align ALIGN32BYTES
- pushfl
- push %ebp
- mov %esp,%ebp
- sub $slen,%esp
- push %ebx
- push %esi
- push %edi
- mov aes_cx(%ebp),%edx // edx -> AES context
- mov key_ln(%ebp),%ecx // key length
- cmpl $128,%ecx
- jb aes_30
- shr $3,%ecx
-aes_30: cmpl $32,%ecx
- je aes_32
- cmpl $24,%ecx
- je aes_32
- mov $16,%ecx
-aes_32: shr $2,%ecx
- mov %ecx,nkey(%edx)
- lea 6(%ecx),%eax // 10/12/14 for 4/6/8 32-bit key length
- mov %eax,nrnd(%edx)
- mov in_key(%ebp),%esi // key input array
- lea ekey(%edx),%edi // key position in AES context
- cld
- push %ebp
- mov %ecx,%eax // save key length in eax
- rep ; movsl // words in the key schedule
- mov -4(%esi),%ebx // put some values in registers
- mov -8(%esi),%edx // to allow faster code
- mov -12(%esi),%ebp
- mov -16(%esi),%esi
- cmpl $4,%eax // jump on key size
- je aes_36
- cmpl $6,%eax
- je aes_35
- ksc8(0)
- ksc8(1)
- ksc8(2)
- ksc8(3)
- ksc8(4)
- ksc8(5)
- ksc8(6)
- jmp aes_37
-aes_35: ksc6(0)
- ksc6(1)
- ksc6(2)
- ksc6(3)
- ksc6(4)
- ksc6(5)
- ksc6(6)
- ksc6(7)
- jmp aes_37
-aes_36: ksc4(0)
- ksc4(1)
- ksc4(2)
- ksc4(3)
- ksc4(4)
- ksc4(5)
- ksc4(6)
- ksc4(7)
- ksc4(8)
- ksc4(9)
-aes_37: pop %ebp
- mov aes_cx(%ebp),%edx // edx -> AES context
- cmpl $0,ed_flg(%ebp)
- jne aes_39
-// compile decryption key schedule from encryption schedule - reverse
-// order and do mix_column operation on round keys except first and last
- mov nrnd(%edx),%eax // kt = cx->d_key + nc * cx->Nrnd
- shl $2,%eax
- lea dkey(%edx,%eax,4),%edi
- lea ekey(%edx),%esi // kf = cx->e_key
- movsl // copy first round key (unmodified)
- movsl
- movsl
- movsl
- sub $32,%edi
- movl $1,cnt(%ebp)
-aes_38: // do mix column on each column of
- lodsl // each round key
- mov %eax,%ebx
- mix_col(aes_im_tab)
- stosl
- lodsl
- mov %eax,%ebx
- mix_col(aes_im_tab)
- stosl
- lodsl
- mov %eax,%ebx
- mix_col(aes_im_tab)
- stosl
- lodsl
- mov %eax,%ebx
- mix_col(aes_im_tab)
- stosl
- sub $32,%edi
- incl cnt(%ebp)
- mov cnt(%ebp),%eax
- cmp nrnd(%edx),%eax
- jb aes_38
- movsl // copy last round key (unmodified)
- movsl
- movsl
- movsl
-aes_39: pop %edi
- pop %esi
- pop %ebx
- mov %ebp,%esp
- pop %ebp
- popfl
- ret
-// finite field multiplies by {02}, {04} and {08}
-#define f2(x) ((x<<1)^(((x>>7)&1)*0x11b))
-#define f4(x) ((x<<2)^(((x>>6)&1)*0x11b)^(((x>>6)&2)*0x11b))
-#define f8(x) ((x<<3)^(((x>>5)&1)*0x11b)^(((x>>5)&2)*0x11b)^(((x>>5)&4)*0x11b))
-// finite field multiplies required in table generation
-#define f3(x) (f2(x) ^ x)
-#define f9(x) (f8(x) ^ x)
-#define fb(x) (f8(x) ^ f2(x) ^ x)
-#define fd(x) (f8(x) ^ f4(x) ^ x)
-#define fe(x) (f8(x) ^ f4(x) ^ f2(x))
-// These defines generate the forward table entries
-#define u0(x) ((f3(x) << 24) | (x << 16) | (x << 8) | f2(x))
-#define u1(x) ((x << 24) | (x << 16) | (f2(x) << 8) | f3(x))
-#define u2(x) ((x << 24) | (f2(x) << 16) | (f3(x) << 8) | x)
-#define u3(x) ((f2(x) << 24) | (f3(x) << 16) | (x << 8) | x)
-// These defines generate the inverse table entries
-#define v0(x) ((fb(x) << 24) | (fd(x) << 16) | (f9(x) << 8) | fe(x))
-#define v1(x) ((fd(x) << 24) | (f9(x) << 16) | (fe(x) << 8) | fb(x))
-#define v2(x) ((f9(x) << 24) | (fe(x) << 16) | (fb(x) << 8) | fd(x))
-#define v3(x) ((fe(x) << 24) | (fb(x) << 16) | (fd(x) << 8) | f9(x))
-// These defines generate entries for the last round tables
-#define w0(x) (x)
-#define w1(x) (x << 8)
-#define w2(x) (x << 16)
-#define w3(x) (x << 24)
-// macro to generate inverse mix column tables (needed for the key schedule)
-#define im_data0(p1) \
- .long p1(0x00),p1(0x01),p1(0x02),p1(0x03),p1(0x04),p1(0x05),p1(0x06),p1(0x07) ;\
- .long p1(0x08),p1(0x09),p1(0x0a),p1(0x0b),p1(0x0c),p1(0x0d),p1(0x0e),p1(0x0f) ;\
- .long p1(0x10),p1(0x11),p1(0x12),p1(0x13),p1(0x14),p1(0x15),p1(0x16),p1(0x17) ;\
- .long p1(0x18),p1(0x19),p1(0x1a),p1(0x1b),p1(0x1c),p1(0x1d),p1(0x1e),p1(0x1f)
-#define im_data1(p1) \
- .long p1(0x20),p1(0x21),p1(0x22),p1(0x23),p1(0x24),p1(0x25),p1(0x26),p1(0x27) ;\
- .long p1(0x28),p1(0x29),p1(0x2a),p1(0x2b),p1(0x2c),p1(0x2d),p1(0x2e),p1(0x2f) ;\
- .long p1(0x30),p1(0x31),p1(0x32),p1(0x33),p1(0x34),p1(0x35),p1(0x36),p1(0x37) ;\
- .long p1(0x38),p1(0x39),p1(0x3a),p1(0x3b),p1(0x3c),p1(0x3d),p1(0x3e),p1(0x3f)
-#define im_data2(p1) \
- .long p1(0x40),p1(0x41),p1(0x42),p1(0x43),p1(0x44),p1(0x45),p1(0x46),p1(0x47) ;\
- .long p1(0x48),p1(0x49),p1(0x4a),p1(0x4b),p1(0x4c),p1(0x4d),p1(0x4e),p1(0x4f) ;\
- .long p1(0x50),p1(0x51),p1(0x52),p1(0x53),p1(0x54),p1(0x55),p1(0x56),p1(0x57) ;\
- .long p1(0x58),p1(0x59),p1(0x5a),p1(0x5b),p1(0x5c),p1(0x5d),p1(0x5e),p1(0x5f)
-#define im_data3(p1) \
- .long p1(0x60),p1(0x61),p1(0x62),p1(0x63),p1(0x64),p1(0x65),p1(0x66),p1(0x67) ;\
- .long p1(0x68),p1(0x69),p1(0x6a),p1(0x6b),p1(0x6c),p1(0x6d),p1(0x6e),p1(0x6f) ;\
- .long p1(0x70),p1(0x71),p1(0x72),p1(0x73),p1(0x74),p1(0x75),p1(0x76),p1(0x77) ;\
- .long p1(0x78),p1(0x79),p1(0x7a),p1(0x7b),p1(0x7c),p1(0x7d),p1(0x7e),p1(0x7f)
-#define im_data4(p1) \
- .long p1(0x80),p1(0x81),p1(0x82),p1(0x83),p1(0x84),p1(0x85),p1(0x86),p1(0x87) ;\
- .long p1(0x88),p1(0x89),p1(0x8a),p1(0x8b),p1(0x8c),p1(0x8d),p1(0x8e),p1(0x8f) ;\
- .long p1(0x90),p1(0x91),p1(0x92),p1(0x93),p1(0x94),p1(0x95),p1(0x96),p1(0x97) ;\
- .long p1(0x98),p1(0x99),p1(0x9a),p1(0x9b),p1(0x9c),p1(0x9d),p1(0x9e),p1(0x9f)
-#define im_data5(p1) \
- .long p1(0xa0),p1(0xa1),p1(0xa2),p1(0xa3),p1(0xa4),p1(0xa5),p1(0xa6),p1(0xa7) ;\
- .long p1(0xa8),p1(0xa9),p1(0xaa),p1(0xab),p1(0xac),p1(0xad),p1(0xae),p1(0xaf) ;\
- .long p1(0xb0),p1(0xb1),p1(0xb2),p1(0xb3),p1(0xb4),p1(0xb5),p1(0xb6),p1(0xb7) ;\
- .long p1(0xb8),p1(0xb9),p1(0xba),p1(0xbb),p1(0xbc),p1(0xbd),p1(0xbe),p1(0xbf)
-#define im_data6(p1) \
- .long p1(0xc0),p1(0xc1),p1(0xc2),p1(0xc3),p1(0xc4),p1(0xc5),p1(0xc6),p1(0xc7) ;\
- .long p1(0xc8),p1(0xc9),p1(0xca),p1(0xcb),p1(0xcc),p1(0xcd),p1(0xce),p1(0xcf) ;\
- .long p1(0xd0),p1(0xd1),p1(0xd2),p1(0xd3),p1(0xd4),p1(0xd5),p1(0xd6),p1(0xd7) ;\
- .long p1(0xd8),p1(0xd9),p1(0xda),p1(0xdb),p1(0xdc),p1(0xdd),p1(0xde),p1(0xdf)
-#define im_data7(p1) \
- .long p1(0xe0),p1(0xe1),p1(0xe2),p1(0xe3),p1(0xe4),p1(0xe5),p1(0xe6),p1(0xe7) ;\
- .long p1(0xe8),p1(0xe9),p1(0xea),p1(0xeb),p1(0xec),p1(0xed),p1(0xee),p1(0xef) ;\
- .long p1(0xf0),p1(0xf1),p1(0xf2),p1(0xf3),p1(0xf4),p1(0xf5),p1(0xf6),p1(0xf7) ;\
- .long p1(0xf8),p1(0xf9),p1(0xfa),p1(0xfb),p1(0xfc),p1(0xfd),p1(0xfe),p1(0xff)
-// S-box data - 256 entries
-#define sb_data0(p1) \
- .long p1(0x63),p1(0x7c),p1(0x77),p1(0x7b),p1(0xf2),p1(0x6b),p1(0x6f),p1(0xc5) ;\
- .long p1(0x30),p1(0x01),p1(0x67),p1(0x2b),p1(0xfe),p1(0xd7),p1(0xab),p1(0x76) ;\
- .long p1(0xca),p1(0x82),p1(0xc9),p1(0x7d),p1(0xfa),p1(0x59),p1(0x47),p1(0xf0) ;\
- .long p1(0xad),p1(0xd4),p1(0xa2),p1(0xaf),p1(0x9c),p1(0xa4),p1(0x72),p1(0xc0)
-#define sb_data1(p1) \
- .long p1(0xb7),p1(0xfd),p1(0x93),p1(0x26),p1(0x36),p1(0x3f),p1(0xf7),p1(0xcc) ;\
- .long p1(0x34),p1(0xa5),p1(0xe5),p1(0xf1),p1(0x71),p1(0xd8),p1(0x31),p1(0x15) ;\
- .long p1(0x04),p1(0xc7),p1(0x23),p1(0xc3),p1(0x18),p1(0x96),p1(0x05),p1(0x9a) ;\
- .long p1(0x07),p1(0x12),p1(0x80),p1(0xe2),p1(0xeb),p1(0x27),p1(0xb2),p1(0x75)
-#define sb_data2(p1) \
- .long p1(0x09),p1(0x83),p1(0x2c),p1(0x1a),p1(0x1b),p1(0x6e),p1(0x5a),p1(0xa0) ;\
- .long p1(0x52),p1(0x3b),p1(0xd6),p1(0xb3),p1(0x29),p1(0xe3),p1(0x2f),p1(0x84) ;\
- .long p1(0x53),p1(0xd1),p1(0x00),p1(0xed),p1(0x20),p1(0xfc),p1(0xb1),p1(0x5b) ;\
- .long p1(0x6a),p1(0xcb),p1(0xbe),p1(0x39),p1(0x4a),p1(0x4c),p1(0x58),p1(0xcf)
-#define sb_data3(p1) \
- .long p1(0xd0),p1(0xef),p1(0xaa),p1(0xfb),p1(0x43),p1(0x4d),p1(0x33),p1(0x85) ;\
- .long p1(0x45),p1(0xf9),p1(0x02),p1(0x7f),p1(0x50),p1(0x3c),p1(0x9f),p1(0xa8) ;\
- .long p1(0x51),p1(0xa3),p1(0x40),p1(0x8f),p1(0x92),p1(0x9d),p1(0x38),p1(0xf5) ;\
- .long p1(0xbc),p1(0xb6),p1(0xda),p1(0x21),p1(0x10),p1(0xff),p1(0xf3),p1(0xd2)
-#define sb_data4(p1) \
- .long p1(0xcd),p1(0x0c),p1(0x13),p1(0xec),p1(0x5f),p1(0x97),p1(0x44),p1(0x17) ;\
- .long p1(0xc4),p1(0xa7),p1(0x7e),p1(0x3d),p1(0x64),p1(0x5d),p1(0x19),p1(0x73) ;\
- .long p1(0x60),p1(0x81),p1(0x4f),p1(0xdc),p1(0x22),p1(0x2a),p1(0x90),p1(0x88) ;\
- .long p1(0x46),p1(0xee),p1(0xb8),p1(0x14),p1(0xde),p1(0x5e),p1(0x0b),p1(0xdb)
-#define sb_data5(p1) \
- .long p1(0xe0),p1(0x32),p1(0x3a),p1(0x0a),p1(0x49),p1(0x06),p1(0x24),p1(0x5c) ;\
- .long p1(0xc2),p1(0xd3),p1(0xac),p1(0x62),p1(0x91),p1(0x95),p1(0xe4),p1(0x79) ;\
- .long p1(0xe7),p1(0xc8),p1(0x37),p1(0x6d),p1(0x8d),p1(0xd5),p1(0x4e),p1(0xa9) ;\
- .long p1(0x6c),p1(0x56),p1(0xf4),p1(0xea),p1(0x65),p1(0x7a),p1(0xae),p1(0x08)
-#define sb_data6(p1) \
- .long p1(0xba),p1(0x78),p1(0x25),p1(0x2e),p1(0x1c),p1(0xa6),p1(0xb4),p1(0xc6) ;\
- .long p1(0xe8),p1(0xdd),p1(0x74),p1(0x1f),p1(0x4b),p1(0xbd),p1(0x8b),p1(0x8a) ;\
- .long p1(0x70),p1(0x3e),p1(0xb5),p1(0x66),p1(0x48),p1(0x03),p1(0xf6),p1(0x0e) ;\
- .long p1(0x61),p1(0x35),p1(0x57),p1(0xb9),p1(0x86),p1(0xc1),p1(0x1d),p1(0x9e)
-#define sb_data7(p1) \
- .long p1(0xe1),p1(0xf8),p1(0x98),p1(0x11),p1(0x69),p1(0xd9),p1(0x8e),p1(0x94) ;\
- .long p1(0x9b),p1(0x1e),p1(0x87),p1(0xe9),p1(0xce),p1(0x55),p1(0x28),p1(0xdf) ;\
- .long p1(0x8c),p1(0xa1),p1(0x89),p1(0x0d),p1(0xbf),p1(0xe6),p1(0x42),p1(0x68) ;\
- .long p1(0x41),p1(0x99),p1(0x2d),p1(0x0f),p1(0xb0),p1(0x54),p1(0xbb),p1(0x16)
-// Inverse S-box data - 256 entries
-#define ib_data0(p1) \
- .long p1(0x52),p1(0x09),p1(0x6a),p1(0xd5),p1(0x30),p1(0x36),p1(0xa5),p1(0x38) ;\
- .long p1(0xbf),p1(0x40),p1(0xa3),p1(0x9e),p1(0x81),p1(0xf3),p1(0xd7),p1(0xfb) ;\
- .long p1(0x7c),p1(0xe3),p1(0x39),p1(0x82),p1(0x9b),p1(0x2f),p1(0xff),p1(0x87) ;\
- .long p1(0x34),p1(0x8e),p1(0x43),p1(0x44),p1(0xc4),p1(0xde),p1(0xe9),p1(0xcb)
-#define ib_data1(p1) \
- .long p1(0x54),p1(0x7b),p1(0x94),p1(0x32),p1(0xa6),p1(0xc2),p1(0x23),p1(0x3d) ;\
- .long p1(0xee),p1(0x4c),p1(0x95),p1(0x0b),p1(0x42),p1(0xfa),p1(0xc3),p1(0x4e) ;\
- .long p1(0x08),p1(0x2e),p1(0xa1),p1(0x66),p1(0x28),p1(0xd9),p1(0x24),p1(0xb2) ;\
- .long p1(0x76),p1(0x5b),p1(0xa2),p1(0x49),p1(0x6d),p1(0x8b),p1(0xd1),p1(0x25)
-#define ib_data2(p1) \
- .long p1(0x72),p1(0xf8),p1(0xf6),p1(0x64),p1(0x86),p1(0x68),p1(0x98),p1(0x16) ;\
- .long p1(0xd4),p1(0xa4),p1(0x5c),p1(0xcc),p1(0x5d),p1(0x65),p1(0xb6),p1(0x92) ;\
- .long p1(0x6c),p1(0x70),p1(0x48),p1(0x50),p1(0xfd),p1(0xed),p1(0xb9),p1(0xda) ;\
- .long p1(0x5e),p1(0x15),p1(0x46),p1(0x57),p1(0xa7),p1(0x8d),p1(0x9d),p1(0x84)
-#define ib_data3(p1) \
- .long p1(0x90),p1(0xd8),p1(0xab),p1(0x00),p1(0x8c),p1(0xbc),p1(0xd3),p1(0x0a) ;\
- .long p1(0xf7),p1(0xe4),p1(0x58),p1(0x05),p1(0xb8),p1(0xb3),p1(0x45),p1(0x06) ;\
- .long p1(0xd0),p1(0x2c),p1(0x1e),p1(0x8f),p1(0xca),p1(0x3f),p1(0x0f),p1(0x02) ;\
- .long p1(0xc1),p1(0xaf),p1(0xbd),p1(0x03),p1(0x01),p1(0x13),p1(0x8a),p1(0x6b)
-#define ib_data4(p1) \
- .long p1(0x3a),p1(0x91),p1(0x11),p1(0x41),p1(0x4f),p1(0x67),p1(0xdc),p1(0xea) ;\
- .long p1(0x97),p1(0xf2),p1(0xcf),p1(0xce),p1(0xf0),p1(0xb4),p1(0xe6),p1(0x73) ;\
- .long p1(0x96),p1(0xac),p1(0x74),p1(0x22),p1(0xe7),p1(0xad),p1(0x35),p1(0x85) ;\
- .long p1(0xe2),p1(0xf9),p1(0x37),p1(0xe8),p1(0x1c),p1(0x75),p1(0xdf),p1(0x6e)
-#define ib_data5(p1) \
- .long p1(0x47),p1(0xf1),p1(0x1a),p1(0x71),p1(0x1d),p1(0x29),p1(0xc5),p1(0x89) ;\
- .long p1(0x6f),p1(0xb7),p1(0x62),p1(0x0e),p1(0xaa),p1(0x18),p1(0xbe),p1(0x1b) ;\
- .long p1(0xfc),p1(0x56),p1(0x3e),p1(0x4b),p1(0xc6),p1(0xd2),p1(0x79),p1(0x20) ;\
- .long p1(0x9a),p1(0xdb),p1(0xc0),p1(0xfe),p1(0x78),p1(0xcd),p1(0x5a),p1(0xf4)
-#define ib_data6(p1) \
- .long p1(0x1f),p1(0xdd),p1(0xa8),p1(0x33),p1(0x88),p1(0x07),p1(0xc7),p1(0x31) ;\
- .long p1(0xb1),p1(0x12),p1(0x10),p1(0x59),p1(0x27),p1(0x80),p1(0xec),p1(0x5f) ;\
- .long p1(0x60),p1(0x51),p1(0x7f),p1(0xa9),p1(0x19),p1(0xb5),p1(0x4a),p1(0x0d) ;\
- .long p1(0x2d),p1(0xe5),p1(0x7a),p1(0x9f),p1(0x93),p1(0xc9),p1(0x9c),p1(0xef)
-#define ib_data7(p1) \
- .long p1(0xa0),p1(0xe0),p1(0x3b),p1(0x4d),p1(0xae),p1(0x2a),p1(0xf5),p1(0xb0) ;\
- .long p1(0xc8),p1(0xeb),p1(0xbb),p1(0x3c),p1(0x83),p1(0x53),p1(0x99),p1(0x61) ;\
- .long p1(0x17),p1(0x2b),p1(0x04),p1(0x7e),p1(0xba),p1(0x77),p1(0xd6),p1(0x26) ;\
- .long p1(0xe1),p1(0x69),p1(0x14),p1(0x63),p1(0x55),p1(0x21),p1(0x0c),p1(0x7d)
-// The rcon_table (needed for the key schedule)
-// Here is original Dr Brian Gladman's source code:
-// _rcon_tab:
-// %assign x 1
-// %rep 29
-// dd x
-// %assign x f2(x)
-// %endrep
-// Here is precomputed output (it's more portable this way):
- .align ALIGN32BYTES
- .long 0x01,0x02,0x04,0x08,0x10,0x20,0x40,0x80
- .long 0x1b,0x36,0x6c,0xd8,0xab,0x4d,0x9a,0x2f
- .long 0x5e,0xbc,0x63,0xc6,0x97,0x35,0x6a,0xd4
- .long 0xb3,0x7d,0xfa,0xef,0xc5
-// The forward xor tables
- .align ALIGN32BYTES
- sb_data0(u0)
- sb_data1(u0)
- sb_data2(u0)
- sb_data3(u0)
- sb_data4(u0)
- sb_data5(u0)
- sb_data6(u0)
- sb_data7(u0)
- sb_data0(u1)
- sb_data1(u1)
- sb_data2(u1)
- sb_data3(u1)
- sb_data4(u1)
- sb_data5(u1)
- sb_data6(u1)
- sb_data7(u1)
- sb_data0(u2)
- sb_data1(u2)
- sb_data2(u2)
- sb_data3(u2)
- sb_data4(u2)
- sb_data5(u2)
- sb_data6(u2)
- sb_data7(u2)
- sb_data0(u3)
- sb_data1(u3)
- sb_data2(u3)
- sb_data3(u3)
- sb_data4(u3)
- sb_data5(u3)
- sb_data6(u3)
- sb_data7(u3)
- .align ALIGN32BYTES
- sb_data0(w0)
- sb_data1(w0)
- sb_data2(w0)
- sb_data3(w0)
- sb_data4(w0)
- sb_data5(w0)
- sb_data6(w0)
- sb_data7(w0)
- sb_data0(w1)
- sb_data1(w1)
- sb_data2(w1)
- sb_data3(w1)
- sb_data4(w1)
- sb_data5(w1)
- sb_data6(w1)
- sb_data7(w1)
- sb_data0(w2)
- sb_data1(w2)
- sb_data2(w2)
- sb_data3(w2)
- sb_data4(w2)
- sb_data5(w2)
- sb_data6(w2)
- sb_data7(w2)
- sb_data0(w3)
- sb_data1(w3)
- sb_data2(w3)
- sb_data3(w3)
- sb_data4(w3)
- sb_data5(w3)
- sb_data6(w3)
- sb_data7(w3)
-// The inverse xor tables
- .align ALIGN32BYTES
- ib_data0(v0)
- ib_data1(v0)
- ib_data2(v0)
- ib_data3(v0)
- ib_data4(v0)
- ib_data5(v0)
- ib_data6(v0)
- ib_data7(v0)
- ib_data0(v1)
- ib_data1(v1)
- ib_data2(v1)
- ib_data3(v1)
- ib_data4(v1)
- ib_data5(v1)
- ib_data6(v1)
- ib_data7(v1)
- ib_data0(v2)
- ib_data1(v2)
- ib_data2(v2)
- ib_data3(v2)
- ib_data4(v2)
- ib_data5(v2)
- ib_data6(v2)
- ib_data7(v2)
- ib_data0(v3)
- ib_data1(v3)
- ib_data2(v3)
- ib_data3(v3)
- ib_data4(v3)
- ib_data5(v3)
- ib_data6(v3)
- ib_data7(v3)
- .align ALIGN32BYTES
- ib_data0(w0)
- ib_data1(w0)
- ib_data2(w0)
- ib_data3(w0)
- ib_data4(w0)
- ib_data5(w0)
- ib_data6(w0)
- ib_data7(w0)
- ib_data0(w1)
- ib_data1(w1)
- ib_data2(w1)
- ib_data3(w1)
- ib_data4(w1)
- ib_data5(w1)
- ib_data6(w1)
- ib_data7(w1)
- ib_data0(w2)
- ib_data1(w2)
- ib_data2(w2)
- ib_data3(w2)
- ib_data4(w2)
- ib_data5(w2)
- ib_data6(w2)
- ib_data7(w2)
- ib_data0(w3)
- ib_data1(w3)
- ib_data2(w3)
- ib_data3(w3)
- ib_data4(w3)
- ib_data5(w3)
- ib_data6(w3)
- ib_data7(w3)
-// The inverse mix column tables
- .align ALIGN32BYTES
- im_data0(v0)
- im_data1(v0)
- im_data2(v0)
- im_data3(v0)
- im_data4(v0)
- im_data5(v0)
- im_data6(v0)
- im_data7(v0)
- im_data0(v1)
- im_data1(v1)
- im_data2(v1)
- im_data3(v1)
- im_data4(v1)
- im_data5(v1)
- im_data6(v1)
- im_data7(v1)
- im_data0(v2)
- im_data1(v2)
- im_data2(v2)
- im_data3(v2)
- im_data4(v2)
- im_data5(v2)
- im_data6(v2)
- im_data7(v2)
- im_data0(v3)
- im_data1(v3)
- im_data2(v3)
- im_data3(v3)
- im_data4(v3)
- im_data5(v3)
- im_data6(v3)
- im_data7(v3)
diff -urN -X dontdiff linux-2.6.8-rc3.o/arch/i386/crypto/aes-i586-glue.c linux-2.6.8-rc3.w2/arch/i386/crypto/aes-i586-glue.c
--- linux-2.6.8-rc3.o/arch/i386/crypto/aes-i586-glue.c 2004-08-04 19:43:16.000000000 -0400
+++ linux-2.6.8-rc3.w2/arch/i386/crypto/aes-i586-glue.c 1969-12-31 19:00:00.000000000 -0500
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Glue Code for optimized 586 assembler version of AES
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2001, Dr Brian Gladman <brg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Worcester, UK.
- * Copyright (c) 2003, Adam J. Richter <adam@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> (conversion to
- * 2.5 API).
- * Copyright (c) 2003, 2004 Fruhwirth Clemens <clemens@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
-#include <linux/module.h>
-#include <linux/init.h>
-#include <linux/types.h>
-#include <linux/crypto.h>
-#include <linux/linkage.h>
-#define AES_MIN_KEY_SIZE 16
-#define AES_MAX_KEY_SIZE 32
-#define AES_BLOCK_SIZE 16
-#define AES_RC_LENGTH (9 * AES_BLOCK_SIZE) / 8 - 8
-typedef struct
- u_int32_t aes_Nkey; // the number of words in the key input block
- u_int32_t aes_Nrnd; // the number of cipher rounds
- u_int32_t aes_e_key[AES_KS_LENGTH]; // the encryption key schedule
- u_int32_t aes_d_key[AES_KS_LENGTH]; // the decryption key schedule
- u_int32_t aes_Ncol; // the number of columns in the cipher state
-} aes_context;
- * The Cipher Interface
- */
-asmlinkage void aes_set_key(void *, const unsigned char [], const int, const int);
-/* Actually:
- * extern void aes_encrypt(const aes_context *, unsigned char [], const unsigned char []);
- * extern void aes_decrypt(const aes_context *, unsigned char [], const unsigned char []);
-asmlinkage void aes_encrypt(void*, unsigned char [], const unsigned char []);
-asmlinkage void aes_decrypt(void*, unsigned char [], const unsigned char []);
-static int aes_set_key_glue(void *cx, const u8 *key,unsigned int key_length, u32 *flags)
- if(key_length != 16 && key_length != 24 && key_length != 32)
- {
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- aes_set_key(cx, key,key_length,0);
- return 0;
-static void aes_encrypt_glue(void* a, unsigned char b[], const unsigned char c[]) {
- aes_encrypt(a,b,c);
-static void aes_decrypt_glue(void* a, unsigned char b[], const unsigned char c[]) {
- aes_decrypt(a,b,c);
-#define aes_encrypt_glue aes_encrypt
-#define aes_decrypt_glue aes_decrypt
-#endif /* CONFIG_REGPARM */
-static struct crypto_alg aes_alg = {
- .cra_name = "aes",
- .cra_flags = CRYPTO_ALG_TYPE_CIPHER,
- .cra_blocksize = AES_BLOCK_SIZE,
- .cra_ctxsize = sizeof(aes_context),
- .cra_module = THIS_MODULE,
- .cra_list = LIST_HEAD_INIT(aes_alg.cra_list),
- .cra_u = {
- .cipher = {
- .cia_min_keysize = AES_MIN_KEY_SIZE,
- .cia_max_keysize = AES_MAX_KEY_SIZE,
- .cia_setkey = aes_set_key_glue,
- .cia_encrypt = aes_encrypt_glue,
- .cia_decrypt = aes_decrypt_glue
- }
- }
-static int __init aes_init(void)
- return crypto_register_alg(&aes_alg);
-static void __exit aes_fini(void)
- crypto_unregister_alg(&aes_alg);
-MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Rijndael (AES) Cipher Algorithm, i586 asm optimized");
-MODULE_AUTHOR("Fruhwirth Clemens");
diff -urN -X dontdiff linux-2.6.8-rc3.o/arch/i386/crypto/Makefile linux-2.6.8-rc3.w2/arch/i386/crypto/Makefile
--- linux-2.6.8-rc3.o/arch/i386/crypto/Makefile 2004-08-04 19:43:16.000000000 -0400
+++ linux-2.6.8-rc3.w2/arch/i386/crypto/Makefile 1969-12-31 19:00:00.000000000 -0500
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-# i386/crypto/Makefile
-# Arch-specific CryptoAPI modules.
-obj-$(CONFIG_CRYPTO_AES_586) += aes-i586.o
-aes-i586-y := aes-i586-asm.o aes-i586-glue.o
diff -urN -X dontdiff linux-2.6.8-rc3.o/arch/i386/Makefile linux-2.6.8-rc3.w2/arch/i386/Makefile
--- linux-2.6.8-rc3.o/arch/i386/Makefile 2004-08-04 19:43:16.000000000 -0400
+++ linux-2.6.8-rc3.w2/arch/i386/Makefile 2004-08-05 11:28:21.151416376 -0400
@@ -104,8 +104,7 @@
libs-y += arch/i386/lib/
core-y += arch/i386/kernel/ \
arch/i386/mm/ \
- arch/i386/$(mcore-y)/ \
- arch/i386/crypto/
+ arch/i386/$(mcore-y)/
drivers-$(CONFIG_MATH_EMULATION) += arch/i386/math-emu/
drivers-$(CONFIG_PCI) += arch/i386/pci/
# must be linked after kernel/
diff -urN -X dontdiff linux-2.6.8-rc3.o/crypto/Kconfig linux-2.6.8-rc3.w2/crypto/Kconfig
--- linux-2.6.8-rc3.o/crypto/Kconfig 2004-08-04 19:43:17.000000000 -0400
+++ linux-2.6.8-rc3.w2/crypto/Kconfig 2004-08-05 11:28:21.152416224 -0400
@@ -118,9 +118,9 @@
See also:

+config CRYPTO_AES
tristate "AES cipher algorithms"
- depends on CRYPTO && !(X86 && !X86_64)
+ depends on CRYPTO
AES cipher algorithms (FIPS-197). AES uses the Rijndael
@@ -138,26 +138,6 @@

See http://csrc.nist.gov/CryptoToolkit/aes/ for more information.

-config CRYPTO_AES_586
- tristate "AES cipher algorithms (i586)"
- depends on CRYPTO && (X86 && !X86_64)
- help
- AES cipher algorithms (FIPS-197). AES uses the Rijndael
- algorithm.
- Rijndael appears to be consistently a very good performer in
- both hardware and software across a wide range of computing
- environments regardless of its use in feedback or non-feedback
- modes. Its key setup time is excellent, and its key agility is
- good. Rijndael's very low memory requirements make it very well
- suited for restricted-space environments, in which it also
- demonstrates excellent performance. Rijndael's operations are
- among the easiest to defend against power and timing attacks.
- The AES specifies three key sizes: 128, 192 and 256 bits
- See http://csrc.nist.gov/encryption/aes/ for more information.
tristate "CAST5 (CAST-128) cipher algorithm"
depends on CRYPTO
diff -urN -X dontdiff linux-2.6.8-rc3.o/Documentation/crypto/api-intro.txt linux-2.6.8-rc3.w2/Documentation/crypto/api-intro.txt
--- linux-2.6.8-rc3.o/Documentation/crypto/api-intro.txt 2004-08-04 19:43:16.000000000 -0400
+++ linux-2.6.8-rc3.w2/Documentation/crypto/api-intro.txt 2004-08-05 11:28:21.166414096 -0400
@@ -215,7 +215,6 @@
Herbert Valerio Riedel
Kyle McMartin
Adam J. Richter
- Fruhwirth Clemens (i586)

CAST5 algorithm contributors:
Kartikey Mahendra Bhatt (original developers unknown, FSF copyright).

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