Re: PATCH: cdrecord: avoiding scsi device numbering for ide devices

From: Joerg Schilling
Date: Tue Aug 10 2004 - 08:13:16 EST

>From: Martin Mares <mj@xxxxxx>

>> Your statements are correct for programs that include locale support.

>Would you accept a patch to cdrecord to add such support?

Locale support is on a top positoon of my TODO list, adding it for e.g. Solaris
would be extremely simple but my software runs on many platforms.

If you send a patch that includes autoconf support and everything that is needed
else, I would be glad......


EMail:joerg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (home) Jörg Schilling D-13353 Berlin
js@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (uni) If you don't have iso-8859-1
schilling@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (work) chars I am J"org Schilling
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