Re: Libata VIA woes continue. Worked around - *wrong*

From: Brad Campbell
Date: Sun Aug 29 2004 - 04:27:24 EST

Jeff Garzik wrote:

* look at the changes from 2.6.5 -> 2.6.6 and see which change breaks things. You can get a list of each change like this:

bk changes -rv2.6.5..v2.6.6

then you can revert each patch in order, or bsearch. Here's an example of reverting each libata patch in order:

bk clone vanilla-2.6
bk clone -ql -rv2.6.6 vanilla-2.6 brad-test-2.6.6
cd brad-test-2.6.6
bk -r co -Sq
bk changes -rv2.6.5.. > /tmp/changes-list.txt
less /tmp/changes-list.txt # scan for a libata-related change
bk cset -x1.1587.39.2 # applies reverse of cset 1.1587.39.2
make # create test
# ... test fails
bk cset -x1.1587.39.1 # applies reverse of cset 1.1587.39.1
# _on top of_ previous reverted patch

Ooooohh. I have been looking for a "Dummies guide to regression testing with BK" and not been able
to find one. I have cc'd this to linux-kernel purely for the purpose of more googleable archives for
future reference for BK newbies like me.

Cheers Jeff!

I'll start hammering on this tonight.

(It's actually between 2.6.6 and 2.6.7-rc1 that the breakage occurs, I had just been running 2.6.5
until I recently got a dodgy hard disk which showed up flaws in the libata error handling, thus I
tried to move to to debug that and found it broke some of my drives in other ways. I have
already cloned the relevant trees, I just could not figure out how to break it down to cset granularity)


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