Re: ESP corruption bug - what CPUs are affected?

From: Denis Vlasenko
Date: Fri Sep 17 2004 - 17:15:29 EST

On Friday 17 September 2004 21:13, Stas Sergeev wrote:
> Hello.
> Denis Vlasenko wrote:
> >> Which means that the higher word of ESP gets
> >> trashed. This bug beats dosemu rather badly,
> >> but there seem to be not much info about that
> >> bug available on the net.
> >
> > Well. Strictly speaking it's not a bug.
> > Code executes as it should. IRET returns to the correct
> > location. Upper 16 bits of ESP do not affect execution
> > in this case.
> Unfortunately this is not true. Mainly because
> the code is still 32bit, so when is operates with
> the stack pointer directly, it gets ESP, not SP.
> Here are a few examples from the real DOS progs:
> ---
> frstor [esp] <--crash
> ---
> push ebp
> mov ebp,esp
> mov edx,[ebp+0x8] <--crash
> ---

Hmmm. Let me dust off my i386 knwoledge.

This is what happens: CPU is doing IRET in 32bit mode.
Stack layout:

+20 (empty) <--- SS:ESP
+16 old_CS
+12 old_EIP
+8 old_EFLAGS
+4 old_SS
+0 old_ESP

If old_SS references 'small' data segment (16-bit one),
processor does not restore ESP from old_ESP.
It restores lower 16 bits only. Upper 16 bits are filled
with garbage (or just not modified at all?).
This works fine because processor uses SP, not ESP,
for subsequent push/pop/call/ret operations.
But if code uses full ESP, thinking that upper 16 bits are zero,
it will crash badly. Correct me if I'm wrong.

> and there are much more. "mov ebp,esp" is just a
> standard thing, and then the ebp is being used to
> access the locals and function arguments. Why do
> they use the 16bit stack in that case, is another
> question. Unfortunately some of them do.

Hmm. I think you need to *emulate* this IRET.
Is this IRET happens in kernel or in dosemu code?

> > # gcc -O2 stk.c
> > # ./a.out
> > sp=0xbffffb30, ss=0x7b
> > In sighandler: esp=bffffb10
> > Now sp=0xccf1fb10, ss=0x7f
> > Esp changed, strange...
> That's strange indeed! Apparently your ESP value,
> 0xccf1fb10, is greater than 0xc0000000, in which
> case my program should just write "BUG!", but for
> you it doesn't. Haven't you altered the code
> somehow?

No, I didn't alter anything. Strange indeed.

> Why I compare it with 0xc0000000, is
> because ESP has the higher word of a kernel's stack
> address, so it should be above the TASK_SIZE when
> corrupted.

Even more strange! Now I did modify the code (attached),
and this is what I've got:

# gcc -o stk2 -O2 stk2.c
# ./stk2
sp=0xbffffb30, ss=0x7b
In sighandler: esp=bffffb10
Now sp=cd79fb10 <=========
Now sp=bffffb50 <========= !?
Now sp=bffffb50, ss=007f
Now sp=bffffb50
Now sp=bffffb50
Now sp=bffffb50
Esp changed, strange...

I am thoroughly confused now. Two back-to-back
'printf("Now sp=%08lx\n", new_esp);'
gave different result. How this can happen??

Corresponding gcc -S code. new_esp is at -180(%ebp):

movw -182(%ebp), %ss
movw -170(%ebp), %ss
movl %esp, -180(%ebp)
movl -176(%ebp), %esp

addl $40, %esp
pushl -180(%ebp)
pushl $.LC4
call printf
popl %eax
popl %edx
pushl -180(%ebp)
pushl $.LC4
call printf
addl $12, %esp
movzwl -182(%ebp), %eax
pushl %eax
pushl -180(%ebp)
pushl $.LC5
call printf
popl %ecx
popl %ebx
pushl -180(%ebp)
pushl $.LC4
call printf
popl %eax
popl %edx

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <linux/unistd.h>
#include <asm/ldt.h>
#include <asm/ucontext.h>

unsigned char stack[65536];

void my_segv(int signum, siginfo_t *info, void *c)
struct sigcontext *ctx = &((struct ucontext *)c)->uc_mcontext;
printf("In sighandler: esp=%lx\n", ctx->esp);
/* Skip HLT */

_syscall3(int, modify_ldt, int, func, void *, ptr, unsigned long, bytecount);

static int set_ldt_entry(int entry, unsigned long base, unsigned int limit,
int seg_32bit_flag, int contents, int read_only_flag,
int limit_in_pages_flag, int seg_not_present, int useable)
struct modify_ldt_ldt_s ldt_info;
ldt_info.entry_number = entry;
ldt_info.base_addr = base;
ldt_info.limit = limit;
ldt_info.seg_32bit = seg_32bit_flag;
ldt_info.contents = contents;
ldt_info.read_exec_only = read_only_flag;
ldt_info.limit_in_pages = limit_in_pages_flag;
ldt_info.seg_not_present = seg_not_present;
ldt_info.useable = useable;

return modify_ldt(1, &ldt_info, sizeof(ldt_info));

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
unsigned short _ss, new_ss;
unsigned long _esp, new_esp;
int is32 = 0;
stack_t sig_stack;
struct sigaction sa;

if (argc > 1 && !strncmp(argv[1], "32", 3))
is32 = 1;

sig_stack.ss_sp = stack;
sig_stack.ss_flags = 0;
sig_stack.ss_size = sizeof(stack);
if (sigaltstack(&sig_stack, NULL)) {
return 1;

sa.sa_sigaction = my_segv;
sa.sa_flags = SA_ONSTACK | SA_SIGINFO;
sigaction(SIGSEGV, &sa, NULL);

/* Get SS, ESP */
asm volatile(
"movw %%ss, %0\n"
"movl %%esp, %1\n"
:"=m"(_ss), "=m"(_esp)
printf("sp=%#lx, ss=%#hx\n", _esp, _ss);

/* Force to LDT */
new_ss = _ss | 4;
/* Create the LDT entry */
set_ldt_entry(new_ss >> 3, 0, 0xbffff, is32, MODIFY_LDT_CONTENTS_DATA, 0, 1, 0, 0);

/* Do the trick... Switch stack and then switch context. */
asm volatile(
"movw %3, %%ss\n" /* Load our LDT selector to SS */
"hlt\n" /* Force the context switch */
"movw %1, %%ss\n" /* Restore SS ASAP */
"movl %%esp, %0\n" /* Get new ESP */
"movl %2, %%esp\n" /* Restore ESP */
: "m"(_ss), "m"(_esp), "m"(new_ss)
printf("Now sp=%08lx\n", new_esp);
printf("Now sp=%08lx\n", new_esp);
printf("Now sp=%08lx, ss=%04hx\n", new_esp, new_ss);
printf("Now sp=%08lx\n", new_esp);
printf("Now sp=%08lx\n", new_esp);

/* See what we've got... */
if (new_esp > 0xc0000000) {
printf("Now sp=%08lx\n", new_esp);
} else if (new_esp != _esp) {
printf("Now sp=%08lx\n", new_esp);
printf("Esp changed, strange...\n");
} else {
printf("Now sp=%08lx\n", new_esp);
printf("No bug here! What CPU is this?\n");
if (!is32)
system("cat /proc/cpuinfo");
return 0;