Re: Linux 2.6.9-rc2 (compile stats)

From: John Cherry
Date: Mon Sep 20 2004 - 12:15:23 EST

On Mon, 2004-09-13 at 09:40, Linus Torvalds wrote:
> Various things all over the map, most of them not necessarily very visible
> to most people. ALSA update, and tons of small fixes pretty much
> everywhere.
> The one thing that people may actually _notice_ is that you get a lot more
> warnings for some drivers due to the stricter type-checks for PCI memory
> mapping. They are harmless (code generation should be the same), and we'll
> work on trying to fix up the drivers as we go along, but they can be a bit
> daunting if you happen to enable some of the less type-friendly drivers
> right now..
> Linus

Linux 2.6 Compile Statistics (gcc 3.2.2)
Warnings/Errors Summary

Kernel bzImage bzImage bzImage modules bzImage modules
(defconfig) (allno) (allyes) (allyes) (allmod) (allmod)
----------- ----------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ---------
2.6.9-rc2 0w/0e 0w/0e 3036w/0e 41w/0e 11w/0e 3655w/0e
2.6.9-rc1 0w/0e 0w/0e 77w/10e 4w/0e 3w/0e 68w/0e 0w/0e 0w/0e 78w/ 0e 4w/0e 1w/0e 72w/0e
2.6.8 0w/0e 0w/0e 78w/ 0e 4w/0e 1w/0e 72w/0e

Linux 2.6 (mm tree) Compile Statistics (gcc 3.2.2)

Kernel bzImage bzImage bzImage modules bzImage modules
(defconfig) (allno) (allyes) (allyes) (allmod) (allmod)
--------------- ---------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
2.6.9-rc2-mm1 0w/0e 2w/0e 3541w/9e 41w/0e 3w/9e 3567w/0e
2.6.9-rc1-mm4 0w/0e 1w/0e 55w/0e 3w/0e 2w/0e 48w/0e
2.6.9-rc1-mm3 0w/0e 0w/0e 55w/13e 3w/0e 1w/0e 49w/1e
2.6.9-rc1-mm2 0w/0e 0w/0e 53w/11e 3w/0e 1w/0e 47w/0e
2.6.9-rc1-mm1 0w/0e 0w/0e 80w/0e 4w/0e 1w/0e 74w/0e

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