Re: Fw: signed kernel modules?

From: David Howells
Date: Wed Oct 13 2004 - 04:27:13 EST

> Let me make this clear: I refuse to include any solution which doesn't
> protect against accidental, as well as deliberate, corruption. This
> means your "canonicalization" code has to be very, very paranoid about
> not trusting the data until the signature is verified. The current code
> does very simple checks then completely trusts the module contents,
> especially the section headers: to make signatures worth anything, your
> code must not do this.

I agree that checks should be made on ELF before signature checking is
performed, but I was trying to develop it one step at a time. However, since
you asked so nicely, I've added the attached to my implementation.



struct module_verify_data {
struct crypto_tfm *sha1_tfm;
const void *buffer;
const Elf_Ehdr *hdr;
const Elf_Shdr *sections;
const Elf_Sym *symbols;
const char *secstrings;
const char *strings;
size_t *secsizes;
size_t size;
size_t nsects;
size_t nsyms;
size_t nstrings;
size_t signed_size;
int *canonlist;
int *canonmap;
int sig_index;
uint8_t csum;

* verify the ELF structure of a module
static int module_verify_elf(struct module_verify_data *mvdata)
const Elf_Ehdr *hdr = mvdata->hdr;
const Elf_Shdr *section, *section2, *secstop;
const Elf_Rela *relas, *rela, *relastop;
const Elf_Rel *rels, *rel, *relstop;
const Elf_Sym *symbol, *symstop;
size_t size, sssize, *secsize, tmp, tmp2;
int line;

size = mvdata->size;
mvdata->nsects = hdr->e_shnum;

#define elfcheck(X) \
do { if (unlikely(!(X))) { line = __LINE__; goto elfcheck_error; } } while(0)

#define seccheck(X) \
do { if (unlikely(!(X))) { line = __LINE__; goto seccheck_error; } } while(0)

#define symcheck(X) \
do { if (unlikely(!(X))) { line = __LINE__; goto symcheck_error; } } while(0)

#define relcheck(X) \
do { if (unlikely(!(X))) { line = __LINE__; goto relcheck_error; } } while(0)

#define relacheck(X) \
do { if (unlikely(!(X))) { line = __LINE__; goto relacheck_error; } } while(0)

/* validate the ELF header */
elfcheck(hdr->e_ehsize < size);
elfcheck(hdr->e_entry == 0);
elfcheck(hdr->e_phoff == 0);
elfcheck(hdr->e_phnum == 0);

elfcheck(hdr->e_shoff < size);
elfcheck(hdr->e_shoff >= hdr->e_ehsize);
elfcheck((hdr->e_shoff & (sizeof(long) - 1)) == 0);
elfcheck(hdr->e_shstrndx > 0);
elfcheck(hdr->e_shstrndx < hdr->e_shnum);

tmp = (size_t) hdr->e_shentsize * (size_t) hdr->e_shnum;
elfcheck(tmp < size - hdr->e_shoff);

/* allocate a table to hold in-file section sizes */
mvdata->secsizes = kmalloc(hdr->e_shnum * sizeof(size_t), GFP_KERNEL);
if (!mvdata->secsizes)
return -ENOMEM;

memset(mvdata->secsizes, 0, hdr->e_shnum * sizeof(size_t));

/* validate the ELF section headers */
mvdata->sections = mvdata->buffer + hdr->e_shoff;
secstop = mvdata->sections + mvdata->nsects;

sssize = mvdata->sections[hdr->e_shstrndx].sh_size;
elfcheck(sssize > 0);

section = mvdata->sections;
seccheck(section->sh_type == SHT_NULL);
seccheck(section->sh_size == 0);
seccheck(section->sh_offset == 0);

secsize = mvdata->secsizes + 1;
for (section++; section < secstop; secsize++, section++) {
seccheck(section->sh_name < sssize);
seccheck(section->sh_addr == 0);
seccheck(section->sh_link < hdr->e_shnum);

if (section->sh_entsize > 0)
seccheck(section->sh_size % section->sh_entsize == 0);

seccheck(section->sh_offset >= hdr->e_ehsize);
seccheck(section->sh_offset < size);

/* determine the section's in-file size */
tmp = size - section->sh_offset;
if (section->sh_offset < hdr->e_shoff)
tmp = hdr->e_shoff - section->sh_offset;

for (section2 = mvdata->sections + 1; section2 < secstop; section2++) {
if (section->sh_offset < section2->sh_offset) {
tmp2 = section2->sh_offset - section->sh_offset;
if (tmp2 < tmp)
tmp = tmp2;
*secsize = tmp;

_debug("Section %ld: %zx bytes at %lx\n",
section - mvdata->sections,

/* perform section type specific checks */
switch (section->sh_type) {

case SHT_REL:
case SHT_RELA:
seccheck(section->sh_info > 0);
seccheck(section->sh_info < hdr->e_shnum);
/* fall through */

/* most types of section must be contained entirely
* within the file */
seccheck(section->sh_size <= *secsize);

/* validate the ELF section names */
section = &mvdata->sections[hdr->e_shstrndx];

seccheck(section->sh_offset != hdr->e_shoff);

mvdata->secstrings = mvdata->buffer + section->sh_offset;

for (section = mvdata->sections + 1; section < secstop; section++) {
const char *secname;
tmp = sssize - section->sh_name;
secname = mvdata->secstrings + section->sh_name;
seccheck(secname[0] != 0);
seccheck(memchr(secname, 0, tmp) != NULL);

/* look for various sections in the module */
for (section = mvdata->sections + 1; section < secstop; section++) {
switch (section->sh_type) {
if (strcmp(mvdata->secstrings + section->sh_name,
".symtab") == 0
) {
seccheck(mvdata->symbols == NULL);
mvdata->symbols =
mvdata->buffer + section->sh_offset;
mvdata->nsyms =
section->sh_size / sizeof(Elf_Sym);
seccheck(section->sh_size > 0);

if (strcmp(mvdata->secstrings + section->sh_name,
".strtab") == 0
) {
seccheck(mvdata->strings == NULL);
mvdata->strings =
mvdata->buffer + section->sh_offset;
sssize = mvdata->nstrings = section->sh_size;
seccheck(section->sh_size > 0);

if (!mvdata->symbols) {
printk("Couldn't locate module symbol table\n");
goto format_error;

if (!mvdata->strings) {
printk("Couldn't locate module strings table\n");
goto format_error;

/* validate the symbol table */
symstop = mvdata->symbols + mvdata->nsyms;

symbol = mvdata->symbols;
symcheck(ELF_ST_TYPE(symbol[0].st_info) == STT_NOTYPE);
symcheck(symbol[0].st_shndx == SHN_UNDEF);
symcheck(symbol[0].st_value == 0);
symcheck(symbol[0].st_size == 0);

for (symbol++; symbol < symstop; symbol++) {
symcheck(symbol->st_name < sssize);
symcheck(symbol->st_shndx < mvdata->nsects ||
symbol->st_shndx >= SHN_LORESERVE);

/* validate each relocation table as best we can */
for (section = mvdata->sections + 1; section < secstop; section++) {
section2 = mvdata->sections + section->sh_info;

switch (section->sh_type) {
case SHT_REL:
rels = mvdata->buffer + section->sh_offset;
relstop = mvdata->buffer + section->sh_offset + section->sh_size;

for (rel = rels; rel < relstop; rel++) {
relcheck(rel->r_offset < section2->sh_size);
relcheck(ELF_R_SYM(rel->r_info) < mvdata->nsyms);


case SHT_RELA:
relas = mvdata->buffer + section->sh_offset;
relastop = mvdata->buffer + section->sh_offset + section->sh_size;

for (rela = relas; rela < relastop; rela++) {
relacheck(rela->r_offset < section2->sh_size);
relacheck(ELF_R_SYM(rela->r_info) < mvdata->nsyms);



_debug("ELF okay\n");
return 0;

printk("Verify ELF error (assertion %d)\n", line);
goto format_error;

printk("Verify ELF error [sec %ld] (assertion %d)\n",
section - mvdata->sections, line);
goto format_error;

printk("Verify ELF error [sym %ld] (assertion %d)\n",
symbol - mvdata->symbols, line);
goto format_error;

printk("Verify ELF error [sec %ld rel %ld] (assertion %d)\n",
section - mvdata->sections, rel - rels, line);
goto format_error;

printk("Verify ELF error [sec %ld rela %ld] (assertion %d)\n",
section - mvdata->sections, rela - relas, line);
goto format_error;

return -ELIBBAD;

} /* end module_verify_elf() */
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