Re: Linux v2.6.9 and GPL Buyout

From: Eric Bambach
Date: Wed Oct 20 2004 - 18:52:11 EST

On Tuesday 19 October 2004 12:38 pm, you wrote:

> On a side note, the GPL buyout previously offered has been modified. We
> will be contacting
> individual contributors and negotiating with each copyright holder for
> the code we wish to
> convert on a case by case basis. The remaining portions of code will
> remain GPL
> The 50K per copy offer still stands for the whole thing if you guys can
> ever figure out
> how to set something like this up.


Although I own no code in the kernel, I hope to some day and offers like this
sicken me. It seems that most of the coders have either ignored this person
or flat out said no. His offer is ridiculous and he wants to rip out some of
the most useful code to get what he wants.

However I urge all you developers to stand up and say no. Just out of
curiosity can we get AM, CK, AC,Linus and other major devolpers to say no
publicly? As I understand it these people have all made significant
contributions to the kernel and keeping their code GPL would ensure all this
joker could get (for proprietary greed only shady-business practice purposes)
would be useless in any real project.

I think a large "no" from key players would be a great show of strength in
the ideaologies and commitment many of the developers on this list hold about
the kernel. It would also go a long way in affirming that the true len


> All is fine except that I can reliably "oops" it simply by trying to read
> from /proc/apm (e.g. cat /proc/apm).
> oops output and ksymoops-2.3.4 output is attached.
> Is there anything else I can contribute?

The latitude and longtitude of the bios writers current position, and
a ballistic missile.

--Alan Cox 2000-12-08

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