My thoughts on the "new development model"(A bit late tho)

From: Espen Fjellvær Olsen
Date: Fri Oct 22 2004 - 22:48:08 EST

This may come a bit late now, since the "new development model" was
put through late this summer.
But anyway i'm going to come with som thoughts about it.

I think that 2.6 should be frozen from now on, just security related
stuff should be merged.
This would strengthen Linux's reputation as a stable and secure
system, not a unstable and a system just used for fun.
A 2.7 should be created where all new experimental stuff is merged
into it, and where people could begin to think new again.
New thoughts are good in all ways, it is for sure very much code in
the current kernels that should be revised, rewritten and maybe marked
as deprecated.


Mvh / Best regards
Espen Fjellvær Olsen
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