Re: [patch] Real-Time Preemption, -RT-2.6.10-rc2-mm3-V0.7.31-19

From: Rui Nuno Capela
Date: Thu Dec 02 2004 - 04:14:46 EST

> ... I'll have to rebuild a new RT-V0.7.31-19 kernel without latency
> timing stuff, just to make sure we'll compare apples to apples ;)

Oh, and running also an jackd 0.99.17cvs _without_ the xrun trace
auto-trigger patch, so to end up with a production-like system.

And that was it. After a total of 4 hours running free, the jack_test3
suite spitted out these results, which speak from themselves:

*********** CONSOLIDATED RESULTS ************
Total seconds ran . . . . . . : 14400
Number of clients . . . . . . : 16
Ports per client . . . . . . : 4
Summary Result Count . . . . : 4 / 4
Timeout Rate . . . . . . . . :( 0.0)/hour
XRUN Rate . . . . . . . . . . : 0.0 /hour
Delay Rate (>spare time) . . : 0.0 /hour
Delay Rate (>1000 usecs) . . : 0.0 /hour
Delay Maximum . . . . . . . . : 77 usecs
Cycle Maximum . . . . . . . . : 1029 usecs
Average DSP Load. . . . . . . : 60.0 %
Average CPU System Load . . . : 19.6 %
Average CPU User Load . . . . : 47.7 %
Average CPU Nice Load . . . . : 0.0 %
Average CPU I/O Wait Load . . : 0.0 %
Average CPU IRQ Load . . . . : 0.0 %
Average CPU Soft-IRQ Load . . : 0.0 %
Average Interrupt Rate . . . : 1689.1 /sec
Average Context-Switch Rate . : 19781.4 /sec

This is frankly the best performance EVER on this laptop machine, given
these jackd parameters (-R -P60 -dalsa -dhw:0 -r44100 -p64 -n2 -S -P).

Next step is really trying to increase the stress and look after when it
will break apart. It will not take too long...

First attempts, by just increasing the client count from 16 to 20, are
leading to what will be the next "horror show" :) CPU tops above 90%, and
after a couple of minutes running steadly it enters into some kind of
turbulence and hangs. Yeah, it just freezes completely.

So I guess we're having a lot more food to mangle ;)

Stay tuned.
rncbc aka Rui Nuno Capela

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