Re: [ckrm-tech] Re: [PATCH] CKRM: 0/10 Class Based Kernel ResourceManagement

From: Andrew Morton
Date: Mon Dec 06 2004 - 01:32:19 EST

Gerrit Huizenga <gh@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> So, Andrew, can you clarify how much we need to put in your hands, how
> well tested it needs to be and how clean and current the entire set needs
> to be before this is ready for -mm testing?

Well we can toss stuff into -mm any old time really. Doing it too early
will cause rather a lot of difficulty and churn at both ends - working
against -mm can be an extra burden at times.

I'd say that it would be best to wait until the code is, in your opinion,
in a Linus-mergeable form. Then after one lkml review round and any
subsequent rework we should be in good shape.
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