2.6.10 xfs segfault on boot startup?

From: Gene Heskett
Date: Fri Dec 24 2004 - 19:43:35 EST

Greetings all;

I just rebooted to a "still got that new car smell" fresh 2.6.10, and
this went by on the boot screen while it was starting the various
services in init.d:

Starting xfs: /etc/rc3.d/S90xfs: line 137: 2377 Segmentation fault
ttmkfdir -d . -o fonts.scale
/etc/rc3.d/S90xfs: line 137: 2404 Segmentation fault ttmkfdir
-d . -o fonts.scale

I had installed some new ttf fonts over the last day or so, and had
used them with the beta OOo-1.9-xxx before rebooting from
2.6.10-V0.33-04, but when I did a 'service xfs restart' just before
seeing if startx worked (it did obviousy) no further errors were
output, and it was running when I did that, so its apparently not

But it was a bit puzzling. Anybody have an idea? Self-healing
software, the Holy Grail...

Merry Christmas wishes to all that celebrate it on this list.

Cheers, Gene
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