Re: [BK] upgrade will be needed

From: Alexandre Oliva
Date: Tue Feb 15 2005 - 09:09:14 EST

On Feb 15, 2005, lm@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Larry McVoy) wrote:

> For those who don't know, bk changes -v is output in time sorted
> order of changesets with the changeset comments then each file's
> comments like the output below.

> as Roman/Pavel/et al have pointed out sometimes the commits in the
> CVS tree are too coarse if the cset you want is a merge of 20
> changesets on a branch.

How would the `bk changes -v ' output look like for such a merge of 20
changesets on a branch? Would it list the 20 merged changesets?

Also, would the changeset ids (ChangeSet@xxxxxx) match the revision
IDs in the CVS tree?

If so, it looks like this would provide the very bit of information
that I feel to be missing from the publicly-available Linux

> But for people trying to easily track the head the tarball server might
> be just the ticket.

Any chance of having such tarballs offered from an rsync server,
compressed with gzip --rsyncable?

Alexandre Oliva
Red Hat Compiler Engineer aoliva@{,}
Free Software Evangelist oliva@{,}
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