Re: klists and struct device semaphores

From: Alan Stern
Date: Mon Mar 28 2005 - 14:50:03 EST

On Mon, 28 Mar 2005, Patrick Mochel wrote:

> It's important when removing a containing object's knode from the list
> when that object is about to be freed. This happens during both device and
> driver unregistration. In most cases, the removal operation will return
> immediately. When it doesn't, it means another thread is using that
> particular knode, which means its imperative that the containing object
> not be freed.
> Do you have suggestions about an alternative (with code)?

Here's something a little better than pseudocode but not as good as a
patch... :-)

Consider adding to struct klist two new fields:

int k_offset_to_containers_kref;
void (*k_containers_kref_release)(struct kref *);

To fill the first field in correctly requires that klist creation use a
macro; the details are unimportant. What is important is that during
klist_node_init you add:

struct kref *containers_kref = (struct kref *) ((void *) n +


and in klist_release you add:

struct kref *containers_kref = (struct kref *) ((void *) n +

kref_put(containers_kref, n->n_klist->k_containers_kref_release);

(Actually this conflicts with my earlier suggestion about removing
n->n_klist. Oh well... nothing's perfect.)

In fact the kref_put() should take the place of the call to complete().
This scheme assumes that the container object does contain a kref, but
this is true for all the containers in the driver model.

> Good point. It's trivial to add an atomic flag (.n_attached) which is
> checked during an iteration. This can also be used for the
> klist_node_attached() function that I posted a few days ago (and you may
> have missed).

There's no need for the flag to be atomic, since it's only altered while
the klist's lock is held.

> It's assumed that the controlling subsystem will handle lifetime-based
> reference counting for the containing objects. If you can point me to a
> potential usage where this assumption would get us into trouble, I'd be
> interested in trying to work arond this.

It's not that you get into trouble; it's that you're forced to wait for
klist_node.n_removed when you shouldn't have to. To put it another way,
one of the big advantages of the refcounting approach is that it allows
you to avoid blocking on deallocations -- the deallocation happens
automatically when the last reference is dropped. Your code loses this
advantage; it's not the refcounting way.

If you replace the struct completion with the offset to the container's
kref and make the klist_node hold a reference to its container, as
described above, then this unpleasantness can go away.

Alan Stern

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