Re: [ACPI] Re: [RFC 0/6] S3 SMP support with physcial CPU hotplug

From: Nigel Cunningham
Date: Mon Apr 04 2005 - 04:56:19 EST

Hi Li.

On Mon, 2005-04-04 at 19:24, Li Shaohua wrote:
> > so that cpu_up mechanism can handle them?
> If S4 also calls a smp_prepare_cpu, then the patches don't break S4. If
> people don't complain warm boot a CPU is slow, I'd like S4 also use
> smp_prepare_cpu.

So you have some more changes? Can I get a monolithic patch to try, when
you're ready?


Nigel Cunningham
Software Engineer, Canberra, Australia
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