Re: problem with mmap over nfs

From: Fabio Brugnara
Date: Fri May 06 2005 - 07:19:18 EST

> Could you please generate a kernel profile?
> - Compile with CONFIG_PROFILING
> - Start the workload, wait for steady state.
> - As root, run:
> #!/bin/sh
> SM=/boot/
> TIMEFILE=/tmp/prof.time
> readprofile -r
> sleep 10
> readprofile -n -v -m $SM | sort -n +2 | tail -40 | tee $TIMEFILE >&2
> (make sure that /boot/ is from the currently-running kernel)
> More in Documentation/basic_profiling.txt
> Even better, learn to drive oprofile. Once it's running properly I usually
> use this silly script:
> #!/bin/sh
> opcontrol --stop
> opcontrol --shutdown
> rm -rf /var/lib/oprofile
> opcontrol --vmlinux=/boot/vmlinux-$(uname -r)
> opcontrol --start-daemon
> opcontrol --start
> sleep 10
> opcontrol --stop
> opcontrol --shutdown
> opreport -l /boot/vmlinux-$(uname -r) | head -50

Wow! Thank you, Andrew.
If we have to consider me alone, this sounds like a dentist
that says "please extract your bad teeth and send it for the fix".
But I hope I'm able to do it with the help of our system administrators.

best regards,
thank you again for your attention,

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