Re: Swap partition vs swap file

From: Wakko Warner
Date: Sat Jul 09 2005 - 20:29:23 EST

Eric Sandall wrote:
> >Of course, now this begs the question: Is it possible to create a large
> >file
> >w/o actually writing that much to the device (ie uninitialized). There's
> >absolutely no reason that a swap file needs to be fully initialized, only
> >part which mkswap does. Of course, I would expect that ONLY root beable to
> >do this. (or capsysadmin or whatever the caps are)
> That would make the swap file fragment as it's used, instead of
> allocating one big file (the entire file) at once (and hopefully get
> one contiguous chunk of the disk).

You misunderstood entirely what I said.

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