Re: [PATCH,RFC] quirks for VIA VT8237 southbridge

From: Karsten Wiese
Date: Sat Aug 13 2005 - 11:34:09 EST

Am Samstag, 13. August 2005 18:04 schrieb Grant Coady:
> I'm tracking a dataloss on box with this chip, finding it difficult
> to nail a configuration that reliably produces dataloss, sometimes
> only one bit (e.g. 'c' --> 'C') of unpacking kernel source tree gets
> changed.
> Relevant? This is on a KM400 with Skt A Sempron + Seagate SATA HDD.

Very unlikely. Rare bitwise errors like yours are more likely caused by
i.e. broken IDE cable or too fast an IDE-controller setting for the
cable / drive. Or memory error. Or an itch on the mainboard. or++

Interrupt errors would cause errors blockwisely.
like whole sectors of data missing, device not working....


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