FUSE merging?

From: Miklos Szeredi
Date: Fri Sep 02 2005 - 17:02:51 EST

Hi Andrew!

Do you plan to send FUSE to Linus for 2.6.14?

I know you have some doubts about usefulness, etc. Here are a couple
of facts, that I hope show that Linux should benefit from having FUSE:

- total number of downloads from SF: ~25000

- number of downloads of last release (during 3 months): ~7000

- number of distros carrying official packages: 2 (debian, gentoo)

- number of publicly available filesystems known: 27

- of which at least 2 are carried by debian (and maybe others)

- number of language bindings: 7 (native: C, java, python, perl, C#, sh, TCL)

- biggest known commercial user: ~110TB exported, total bandwidth: 1.5TB/s

- mailing list traffic 100-200 messages/month

- have been in -mm since 2005 january

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