Re: [ANNOUNCE] ktimers subsystem

From: Thomas Gleixner
Date: Fri Sep 23 2005 - 01:50:10 EST

On Fri, 2005-09-23 at 02:25 +0200, Roman Zippel wrote:
> > Maybe it would make sense to have the API be in nanoseconds and internally use
> > 32bit ms for now, and only change to 64bit nanos when we actually move to
> > sub-ms resolution timers.
> Actually the decision to use ns has nothing to do with API issues.
> <linux/jiffies.h> has already a lot of options to specify timeouts for
> kernel timer. The official userspace API is mostly timespec/timeval.
> The nsec_t type is an _internal_ type to manage time, so this makes it
> possible to do something like this:
> typedef u64 ktime_t;
> #else
> typedef u32 ktime_t;
> #endif

Sure that's possible, but the 32bit storage format has its limitiations
and it is not possible to keep the code compatible for both use cases.

Posix timers - both CLOCK_REALTIME and CLOCK_MONOTONIC - can be
programmed in absolute time. In a 32bit representation with ms
resolution we can store ~49 days, so we can not fit the value which come
up from user space wihtout correction/conversion except we limit the use
cases to 49 days uptime and clock realtime < 49days since the epoch.

If we can not fit the given value into the internal representation, we
have to do exactly what the current implementation of clock realtime in
posix-timers.c has to do. Storing information about xtime / monotonic
offset, adding the timer to yet another list (abs_list) convert to
jiffies and in case the clock gets set, run through all the affected
timers in abs_list recalculate the expiry value and requeue them.

The idea of ktimers is to use the requested time given by a timespec in
human time without any corrections, so we actually can avoid the above.

Also doing time ordered insertion into a list introduces incompabilities
between 32/64 bit storage formats.

I carefully waged the necessary quirk load vs. the cleanliness,
simplicity and robustness of a pure 64 bit implementation. The resulting
payload for 32bit systems, which is in the range of 1-3 instructions per
fast path operation (add, sub, compare) is not worth the trouble IMO to
give up a clean, simple and robust design, which also allows high
resolution timers with no big change to the base implementation.


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