Re: AMD Athlon64 X2 Dual-core and 4GB

From: Vladimir Lazarenko
Date: Fri Oct 28 2005 - 11:40:41 EST

Thus, the question - would I be able to use whole 4G RAM with dual-core amd and
kernel with SMP compiled for i686?

Why would you use a dual core AMD in 32 bit mode? Just build an x86_64

If you want to use 4GB in 32 bit mode, you *need* remapping (or you lose
part of your memory). Remapping means you have MORE than 4 GB of physical
address, which means you need PAE to use it at all.

Because I find my distribution's 64-bit release reasonably unstable yet? :)

Or can I somehow build an x86_64 kernel and keep using 32-bit libc?

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