Re: cpuset - question

From: Bill Davidsen
Date: Tue Nov 01 2005 - 16:50:42 EST

JaniD++ wrote:
Hello, list

I have tried this:

[root@dy-xeon-1 dev]# mount -t cpuset none /dev/cpuset
[root@dy-xeon-1 dev]# cd /dev/cpuset
[root@dy-xeon-1 cpuset]# mkdir cpus_0
[root@dy-xeon-1 cpuset]# cd cpus_0
[root@dy-xeon-1 cpus_0]# /bin/echo 0 > cpus
[root@dy-xeon-1 cpus_0]# /bin/echo 1 > mems
/bin/echo: write error: Numerical result out of range
[root@dy-xeon-1 cpus_0]# echo 1 >mems
[root@dy-xeon-1 cpus_0]# cat mems

[root@dy-xeon-1 cpus_0]# /bin/echo $$ > tasks
/bin/echo: write error: No space left on device
[root@dy-xeon-1 cpus_0]# echo $$ >tasks
[root@dy-xeon-1 cpus_0]# cat tasks
[root@dy-xeon-1 cpus_0]#

The google, and man pages cant help.
What can i do?

Start by telling us what kernel and patches you run, what config option you used, etc. Oh, and what you're trying to do...
-bill davidsen (davidsen@xxxxxxx)
"The secret to procrastination is to put things off until the
last possible moment - but no longer" -me
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