Re: [RFC] [PATCH 00/13] Introduce task_pid api

From: Pavel Machek
Date: Sun Nov 20 2005 - 03:16:30 EST


> > Hmm... it is hard to judge a patch without context. Anyway, can't we
> > get process snasphot/resume without virtualizing pids? Could we switch
> > to 128-bits so that pids are never reused or something like that?
> That might work fine for a managed cluster, but it wouldn't be a good
> fit if you ever wanted to support something like a laptop in
> disconnected operation, or if you ever want to restore the same snapshot
> more than once. There may also be some practical userspace issues
> making pids that large.
> I also hate bloating types and making them sparse just for the hell of
> it. It is seriously demoralizing to do a ps and see
> 7011827128432950176177290 staring back at you. :)

Well, doing cat /var/something/, and seeing pid of unrelated process
is wrong, too... especially if you try to kill it....
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