Makefile targets: tar & rpm pkgs, while using O=<dir> as non-root

From: Linda Walsh
Date: Sun Dec 18 2005 - 18:26:49 EST

Unpacked and made it read-only.

Using the "O=" param, built output tree for another machine as
a non-root user.

I wanted to create an installable kernel & module package to copy
to the new machine & install.

I noted new targets:
binrpm-pkg [& rpm-pkg], and
tarbz2-pkg [& targz-pkg, & tar-pkg].

Both seem to fail either for reasons that appear to be related to
not honoring the "O=" param, or attempting to actually install into
the root of my build-machine.

Should these targets work or have they not yet been converted to work
within the "O=" framework? In cases where the Makefile is attempting
to install into "<Root>/boot" or "<Root>/lib/modules" ,should I
expect the output to appear in "$O/boot" and "$O/lib/modules/"?

Please Cc responses to me, in addition to list, thanks.


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