Re: Makefile targets: tar & rpm pkgs, while using O=<dir> as non-root

From: Ryan Anderson
Date: Tue Dec 20 2005 - 12:19:39 EST

On Sun, Dec 18, 2005 at 03:27:20PM -0800, Linda Walsh wrote:
> Unpacked and made it read-only.
> Using the "O=" param, built output tree for another machine as
> a non-root user.
> I wanted to create an installable kernel & module package to copy
> to the new machine & install.
> I noted new targets:
> binrpm-pkg [& rpm-pkg], and
> tarbz2-pkg [& targz-pkg, & tar-pkg].
> Both seem to fail either for reasons that appear to be related to
> not honoring the "O=" param, or attempting to actually install into
> the root of my build-machine.
> Should these targets work or have they not yet been converted to work
> within the "O=" framework? In cases where the Makefile is attempting
> to install into "<Root>/boot" or "<Root>/lib/modules" ,should I
> expect the output to appear in "$O/boot" and "$O/lib/modules/"?

Look at the "deb" target for how this was fixed for building Debian
(-style) packages.

Specifically, you want to change:

At a glance, I don't see a similar problem in the binrpm-pkg target, and
I don't understand the rpm target at all, so those may have other

I am, however, looking at 2.6.15-rc{something}, not 2.6.13, but I think
it's been a while since Sam sent the deb packages fixes upstream.


Ryan Anderson
sometimes Pug Majere
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