Re: blatant GPL violation of ext2 and reiserfs filesystem drivers

From: Peter Williams
Date: Fri Dec 23 2005 - 21:41:19 EST

Horst von Brand wrote:
Scott Mansfield <thephantom@xxxxxxx> wrote:

Developer replies that the source code will be provided
only to paying customers:

Not really. Developer does make the bizarre statement that "paid
customers" are entitled to source code,

Read the GPL: You get the binary, you are entitled to the source. You have
no binary, wellll...

Sure, you can get the binary (legally!) from somebody else, and then you
are entitled to source.

But the obligation to provide you with the source is on the person who gave you the binary not the person who sold him the binary.

Peter Williams pwil3058@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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-- Ambrose Bierce
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