Re: userspace breakage

From: Bernd Petrovitsch
Date: Fri Dec 30 2005 - 06:17:35 EST

On Thu, 2005-12-29 at 16:54 -0700, Jeff V. Merkey wrote:
> The fact that Oracle and IBM support apps on Linux are Freeloading? Baloney!
> Linux benefits by having the choice of al these applications.

Do they have binary-only kernel modules or user-space apps?

> (P.S. I have heard through the grapevine IBM is putting emphasis on AIX
> as their platform and are actively telling this to large customers --
> can you verify this and are you aware of it)

Not knwoing any inner IBM things, the simple commercial explanation is:
If a customer buys AIX, he is forced to buy the hardware at IBM. And IBM
is a hardware selling (and consulting) company anyways, it never was a
"software company".

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