Re: [patch 4/9] slab: cache_estimate cleanup

From: Balbir Singh
Date: Wed Jan 04 2006 - 10:21:50 EST

> No while is needed! slab_mgmt_size(nr_objs, align) will end up being:
> (sizeof(struct slab)+nr_objs*sizeof(kmem_bufctl_t)+align-1)&~(align-1)
> lets say:
> S = sizeof(struct slab)
> K = sizeof(kmem_bufctl_t)
> n = nr_objs
> z = slab_size
> o = objsize
> a = align
> nr_objs = (slab_size - sizeof(struct slab)) /
> (size + sizeof(kmem_bufctl_t));
> will be n = (z - S) / (o + K)
> looking at the if:
> if (slab_mgmt_size(nr_objs, align) + nr_objs*size
> > slab_size)
> and slab_mgmt_size:
> static size_t slab_mgmt_size(size_t nr_objs, size_t align)
> {
> return ALIGN(sizeof(struct slab)+nr_objs*sizeof(kmem_bufctl_t), align);
> }
> and ALIGN:
> #define ALIGN(x,a) (((x)+(a)-1)&~((a)-1))
> slab_mgmt_size is the same as:
> ALIGN(S + nK, a)
> so this will not be greater than:
> S + nK + a - 1
> add this to the if:
> if (S + nK + a-1 + no > z)
> proof by contradiction: can the left side be greater than z + o?
> S + nK + a-1 + no = z+o+1 ?
> S + (o+K)n + a-1 = z+o+1
> n = (z - S) / (o + K) so:
> S + (o+K)(z-S)/(o+K) + a-1 = z+o+1
> S + (z-S) + a-1 = z+o+1
> removing the z and S
> a-1 = o+1
> We know that a can be at most o so:
> o-1 = o+1
> and thus we get:
> -1 = 1
> So I believe this is the proof by contradiction. Might want to check
> this, since I just woke up ;)
> -- Steve

Your analysis is very interesting and seems correct. My analysis is
similar, but a bit

Best case is S+nK is aligned
Worst case is S+nK is off by +1 byte from an alignment boundary

Taking the worst case, we find a-1 bytes of space eaten up by the
alignment operation.
We need to see if the a-1 bytes that we lost, could have accommodated
another object of
size o and a bufctl of size K. If that is true we need to reduce n.

The equation becomes

If o+K < a-1, reduce n

If a is atmost o, then it leads to (from your analysis assumption)

if K < -1 reduce n, K is certainly positive, hence do not reduce n.

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