Re: wireless: recap of current issues (configuration)

From: Stuffed Crust
Date: Mon Jan 16 2006 - 12:09:35 EST

On Sun, Jan 15, 2006 at 09:05:33PM +0200, Samuel Ortiz wrote:
> Regarding 802.11d and regulatory domains, the stack should also be able to
> stick to one regulatory domain if asked so by userspace, whatever the APs
> around tell us.

...and in doing so, violate the local regulatory constraints. :)

Although I believe 802.11d specifies that the 802.11d beacons should
trump whatever the user specifies. (of course, 802.11d doesn't say what
to do when there are APs out there that disagree...)

While I feel it should be *posisble* to do so, the default should be to
query the hardware for its factory default, and go with that. Allowing
the user to change the regulatory domain at will.. is a rather fuzzy
legal area, to say the least.

- Solomon
Solomon Peachy ICQ: 1318344
Melbourne, FL
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur.

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