URLs are now banned..

From: Matti Aarnio
Date: Sat Jan 28 2006 - 11:31:18 EST

... which is sad, because we have some people who do have
legitimate and relevant-to-linux contents in those URLs, but
this spam trouble using geociries URLs is getting rather

Our rejection pattern matches: ". geocities . com /"
(case insensitive, and minus spaces) so if you need
to point an URL there, do so with extra spaces.

No idea if spammers will adapt by adding spaces, and entice
people to fix URLs... If that day happens, then perhaps
the only way to get email back into usabe form is to classify
spamming and spamming support (in USA and China, very least)
to be equally bad thing, as terrorism and have equally severe

/Matti Aarnio -- sad because of used harsh methods..
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