Re: [RFC][PATCH 5/7] VPIDs: vpid/pid conversion in VPID enabled case

From: Alexey Kuznetsov
Date: Mon Feb 06 2006 - 06:23:57 EST


> In the very, very rare cases where we can't do that (like a fork()
> boundary), we _do_ change the APIs to take both task and container.

I promise you much more of boundary cases, unless
you make some windowsish sys_fork_exec_deal_with_all_the_rest(100 arguments)

Look how this works in openvz. It uses pure traditional unixish api.
Fork is not a boundary at all. To enter to a container you
do all the work in steps:

1. change accounting space (sys_setluid())
2. plain fork()
2. tune communication (pipes, ptys etc)
3. chroot()
N. enter container (at the moment it is ioctl on a special device, could be

You can omit any step, if you need. You can add entering any subsystem,
which you invent in future. Simple and stupid. And, nevertheless, universal.

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