Re: [PATCH, RFC] [1/3] Generic in-kernel AC status

From: Pavel Machek
Date: Sat Feb 18 2006 - 07:53:57 EST


> >This is not true as far as my box is concerned
> >(Asus L5D). It starts with
> >the _highest_ clock available.
> Hmm, but then there shouldn't be any critical
> overheat problems and if,
> the hardware has to switch off the machine
> hard. OS always could freeze,
> but the battery must not start to burn...

I told that to hw designers... too late. Fortunately batteries usually
only crash machine if you overload them.

> IMO, the /sys/.../brightness patch should go in
> as soon as possible, I think
> all everybody agrees here?


> Maybe I oversaw an issue, but I really don't
> see a reason for connecting
> the brightness to ac in kernel space.

We are not going to connect it. But to implement .../brightness, you need to
know ac/battery on several "broken" notebooks.

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