Re: C++ pushback

From: Alan Cox
Date: Mon Apr 24 2006 - 17:41:43 EST

On Llu, 2006-04-24 at 15:36 -0600, Jeff V. Merkey wrote:
> C++ in the kernel is a BAD IDEA. C++ code can be written in such a
> convoluted manner as to be unmaintainable and unreadable.

So can C.

> All of the hidden memory allocations from constructor/destructor
> operatings can and do KILL OS PERFORMANCE.

This is one area of concern. Just as big a problem for the OS case is
that the hidden constructors/destructors may fail. You can write C++
code carefully to avoid these things but it can be hard to see where the
problem is when you miss one.

C at least makes it verbose, but we trade that for poorer typechecking
and visibility control.


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