Re: promise 20268 dma lockups with 2.4 & 2.6

From: Dimitris Zilaskos
Date: Sat May 06 2006 - 07:52:19 EST

this seems to be a problem with promise ultra 133 TX2 aswell.. i tried
contacting promise, and the people listed in the driver file, no
response... i have myself pretty much given up on getting this solved. i
dont have the nessecary expertise myself, and i cant get in touch with
those who do.. this has also been posted to lkml before..

I have also given up, I moved as much data as possible elsewhere to reduce the load (that buys me a few more days) and I am waiting for replacement hardware. I have read many previous posts here with the same behaviour, found open bugs, nothing seems to work.

Best regards,


Dimitris Zilaskos

Department of Physics @ Aristotle University of Thessaloniki , Greece
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