Was change to ip_push_pending_frames intended to break udp (more specifically, WCCP?)

From: Paul P Komkoff Jr
Date: Sat May 20 2006 - 15:11:46 EST


I have a userspace application, which talks WCCP2 with cisco routers.
It sends and receives UDP packets on port 2048. After I've updated my
server to 2.6.16, it stopped working.

Examining logs and packet dumps of previous (2.6.15 kernel) vs.
current, I found, that cisco will not understand packets generated by
2.6.16. The only difference in that packets was IP id field, which was
increasing (1, 2, ...) with old kernel, and always 0 with 2.6.16.

Looking thru the changelog, I've found a suspect. It was this commit:

Reverting this patch fixes my problems - the router understands
packets again.

I took a look through the code and ip_select_ident codepath but still
don't understand why it setting id to 0.
Paul P 'Stingray' Komkoff Jr // http://stingr.net/key <- my pgp key
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