ioprio feature behaviour

From: Vasily Tarasov
Date: Thu May 25 2006 - 08:03:56 EST

I produced a little test of ioprio feature. Results are basically good enough,
but there is something strange on my mind.
The test just runs 8 simple readers with priorities 0, 1, .., 7 in best effort class.
Readers read from files and count how much Mbytes per second they can read.
Results are here:
Process # (prio) Measurement 1 (Mbps) Measurement 2 (Mbps) Measurement 3 (Mbps)
0 6,60 7,37 6,19
1 7,87 7,90 7,15
2 5,92 4,75 4,61
3 3,31 3,34 3,4
4 0,95 0,97 1,03
5 1,14 1,23 1,2
6 0,83 0,96 0,83
7 0,41 0,41 0,41
( The whole results are at

The questions are:
1) Why process 0 with priority 0 has less bandwidth than process 1 with priority 1?
2) The same with processes (priorities) 4, 5?
3) Why there is no _uniform_ dependence between bandwidth and priority?
4) Why sums of bandwidths of processes when priorities are setted and when they are not setted (look in pdf) aren't equal?

Thanks, Vasily.
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