pci driver with char devices

From: Josep Cañadell
Date: Fri May 26 2006 - 10:19:42 EST

Hello all,

I have written a pci driver for a simple device. It only read and
write from a I/O ports region. (It works)

My structure is: pci_driver and a cdev to create the device file.
And the probe function is: (approximately)

SCLink_probe(struct pci_dev *my_pci_dev, ...)
dev_t dev;

result = alloc_chrdev_region(&dev, 0, 1, "SCLink");
SCLink_major = MAJOR(dev);

cdev_init(&char_dev, &fops);
char_dev.owner = THIS_MODULE;
char_dev.ops = &SCLink_fops; //file_operations
err = cdev_add(&char_dev, dev, 1);

pci_request_regions(my_pci_dev, "SCLink");


//static int __init SCLink_init(void)
// return pci_register_driver(&SCLink_driver);

Is this structure acceptable?
Can I create a char device for each BAR?
Any suggestion?

Thanks in advance ;-)
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