From: Andrew Morton
Date: Fri Jun 23 2006 - 20:49:54 EST

On Thu, 15 Jun 2006 08:58:28 -0700
nkiesel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Norbert Kiesel) wrote:

> I just got an OOPS while copying between two loopback-mounted UDF filesystems.
> One or both of the UDF file systems are corrupted (some files not readable by
> root), but kernel should not OOPS anyway.
> I get the corrupted file systems reliably by rsync'ing big directories onto the
> UDF filesystem (while trying to prepare a backup DVD). I saw the OOPS only once
> so far. The system continued to work after the OOPS.

Are you able to get a copy of one of these filesystem images up onto a
server somewhere so others can reproduce the crash?

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